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Text File | 1987-01-22 | 168.9 KB | 4,292 lines |
- Federal Income Tax Template
- (FITT)
- Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 by Ronald A. Ruel
- A Tax Preparation & Planning Aid
- For Users Of Lotus 1-2-3 (tm)
- 1986 Version
- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
- 1. PREFACE....................................................2
- 2. INTRODUCTION...............................................3
- 2.1. What is FITT?.........................................3
- 2.2. What FITT is not......................................3
- 2.3. Hardware Requirements.................................4
- 2.4. Software Requirements.................................4
- 2.5. FITT Files............................................5
- 3. OVERVIEW...................................................6
- 4. USING THE MENUS............................................8
- 4.1. The DATA, GO TO, and REINIT menus.....................8
- 4.2. The PRINT menu.......................................11
- 4.3. How to make a selection from a menu..................13
- 4.4. A shortcut for reaching a menu option................13
- 4.5. The Install Menu.....................................13
- 5. ENTERING YOUR INCOME TAX DATA.............................15
- 5.1. Order Of Data Entry..................................15
- 5.2. Cell protection......................................15
- 5.3. Two alternative methods for data entry...............16
- 5.4. A Few Words About Recalculation......................17
- 5.5. Data Entry Specifics.................................17
- 5.5.1. Form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.18
- 5.5.2. Form 2106 - Employee Business Expenses........19
- 5.5.3. Form 2119 - Sale Or Exchange Of Principal Res.19
- 5.5.4. Form 2210 - Underpayment Of Estimated Tax By .20
- 5.5.5. Form 4684 - Casualties And Thefts.............20
- 5.5.6. Schedule A - Itemized Deductions..............20
- 5.5.7. Schedule B - Interest And Dividend Income.....21
- 5.5.8. Schedule D - Capital Gains And Losses.........22
- 5.5.9. Schedule E - Supplemental Income Schedule.....22
- 5.5.10. Schedule G - Income Averaging................22
- 5.5.11. Schedule R - Credit For The Elderly And Disa.23
- 5.5.12. Schedule SE - Comp Of Soc Secur Self-Emp Tax.23
- 5.5.13. Schedule W - Deduction For A Married Couple..23
- 5.6. Reinitializing Specific Forms and Schedules..........23
- 6. DISCLAIMER................................................25
- Appendices
- A. Form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return-Front Sheet.26
- B. Form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return-Back Sheet..28
- C. Form 2106 - Employee Business Expenses....................29
- D. Form 2119 - Sale Or Exchange Of Principal Residence.......31
- E. Form 2210 - Underpay Of Est Tax By Individuals-Front Sht..33
- F. Form 2210 - Underpay Of Est Tax By Individuals-Back Sheet.34
- G. Form 2441 - Credit For Child And Dependent Care Expenses..35
- H. Form 3903 - Moving Expense Adjustment.....................36
- I. Form 4684 - Casualties And Thefts-Front Sheet.............37
- J. Form 4684 - Casualties And Thefts-Back Sheet..............38
- K. Schedule A - Itemized Deductions..........................40
- L. Schedule B - Interest And Dividend Income.................41
- M. Schedule C - Profit Or (Loss) From Business...............43
- N. Schedule D - Capital Gains And Losses-Front Sheet.........45
- O. Schedule D - Capital Gains And Losses-Back Sheet..........47
- P. Schedule E - Supplemental Income Schedule-Front Sheet.....48
- Q. Schedule E - Supplemental Income Schedule-Back Sheet......50
- R. Schedule F - Farm Income And Expenses - Front Sheet.......52
- S. Schedule F - Farm Income And Expenses - Back Sheet........54
- T. Schedule G - Income Averaging.............................55
- U. Schedule R - Credit For Elderly & The Disabled-Front Sht..57
- V. Schedule R - Credit For Elderly & The Disabled-Back Sheet.59
- W. Schedule SE - Computation Of Social Sec. Self-Employ. Tax.61
- X. Schedule W - Deduct. For A Married Couple When Both Work..62
- L I S T O F T A B L E S
- 4-1: DATA, GO TO, & REINIT menu trees.........................10
- 4-2: PRINT Menu Tree..........................................12
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- If you decide to make use of this program, and find it to be of
- value, your contribution ($35 is suggested) will be appreciated.
- Ronald A. Ruel
- 665 Clinton Avenue
- Washington Township, N.J. 07675
- Regardless of whether you make a contribution, you are encouraged
- to copy and share this program with others under the following
- guidelines:
- Do not distribute this program on other than a private,
- non-commercial basis.
- Do not distribute this program in connection with any
- other product.
- Do not make the program available for any consideration
- or fee. A nominal fee not to exceed $6.00 may be
- charged to defray the cost of reproduction and
- distribution.
- This program must be distributed in unmodified form,
- and include this documentation file.
- Reference is made in this manual to the following:
- Lotus 1-2-3 is a copyrighted program of the Lotus
- Development Corporation. IBM is a trademark of the
- International Business Machines Corporation.
- 2
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- This manual should help you get the most out of using the Federal
- Income Tax Template. It is not necessary for you to read this
- document all the way through before you get started. FITT is
- menu driven, and its use should be more or less self-explanatory.
- If you wish to get started immediately, start up Lotus 1-2-3,
- retrieve the worksheet file called FITT86.WKS, and watch what
- happens.
- This document assumes that you have some basic familiarity with
- Lotus 1-2-3. You should know how to retrieve and store
- worksheets. You should also understand the concepts of cell
- protection, and recalculation. These topics will be touched on
- briefly, but this is not intended to be a tutorial on how to use
- Lotus 1-2-3.
- 2.1. What is FITT?
- FITT stands for Federal Income Tax Template. FITT is a Lotus
- 1-2-3 worksheet (or template) intended to simplify the process of
- preparing a Federal Income Tax Return. It has been designed to
- be easy to use. You do not have to be an expert user of Lotus
- 1-2-3 in order to take advantage of the capabilities of FITT.
- FITT contains a total of 18 tax forms and schedules, making it
- one of the most comprehensive tax programs available anywhere.
- This means that the vast majority of taxpayers can prepare their
- entire Federal Income Tax return using FITT86. In fact, most
- people will need to use only four or five of these forms and
- schedules.
- You use FITT by simply filling in the "blanks" on the appropriate
- tax forms shown on the screen in the same way you would
- normally fill out the actual forms. FITT takes care of all
- the calculations that need to be made including carrying over
- information from one form to another, looking up numbers in
- the tax tables, etc.
- After you've entered the information, FITT will print out those
- forms that you need in order to file your return. According to
- the Internal Revenue Service, you cannot computer-generate a tax
- form that requires a signature and establish tax liability. This
- means that the 1040 cover page must be government-issue.
- 2.2. What FITT is not
- FITT is not a tax advisor. No tax software package can be a
- substitute for competent professional advice in what is clearly a
- complex field. If you are in doubt about any aspect of your
- income tax preparation, do yourself a favor and consult an
- expert.
- 3
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- Furthermore, this document is not an income tax instruction
- manual. Many of the instructions from the tax forms have been
- reproduced in an abbreviated form within FITT for your
- convenience, however it is a good idea to have the actual 1040
- package of forms and instructions available for reference as you
- use this program.
- 2.3. Hardware Requirements
- FITT will run on any computer that can run Lotus 1-2-3, and has
- sufficient memory to accommodate the FITT worksheet. The minimum
- memory required may vary from machine to machine, and even from
- configuration to configuration on a given machine. On an IBM
- Personal Computer running PCDOS 2.1, and Lotus 1-2-3 Release 1A,
- FITT requires 320K of memory. If you are using the new Release 2
- of 1-2-3, 384K of memory will be required. Hopefully, this means
- that FITT can be run on most personal computers which can run
- Lotus 1-2-3.
- If you don't have sufficient memory to load the entire worksheet,
- Lotus 1-2-3 will beep and display the MEMORY FULL indicator in
- the upper left corner of the screen. If this is the case, you
- should check to see how much of the worksheet got loaded in. You
- may find that FITT can still be used.
- Lotus 1-2-3 loads worksheets a row at a time starting from the
- upper left corner and ending with the lower right corner.
- The structure of FITT has been designed with this in mind. The
- most critical portions of the worksheet, and the most commonly
- used forms and schedules have been positioned so that they will
- be loaded into memory first.
- Therefore, it is quite likely that you can still make use of
- FITT without the benefit of some of the less frequently used
- forms at the bottom of the worksheet. If you get the MEMORY
- FULL error message, press the Esc key to clear the error. Then
- use the GO TO menu to move to each of the forms and schedules you
- need to prepare your particular tax return and check them to see
- if they are intact.
- There are no special printer requirements. The tax forms and
- schedules are printed without the use of set-up strings to
- perform any special printer control functions. This enables
- any text printer to be used. All of the printed reports are
- based on an 80 character print line, and a 66 line page.
- 2.4. Software Requirements
- FITT was written and tested using Lotus 1-2-3 Release 1A. I do
- not know whether there were any differences in the worksheet
- structure, or the macro command language under release 1 that
- will prevent FITT from working properly. If you've got release
- 4
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- 1A, there is no problem. If you've got release 1, try it and see
- if it works.
- FITT86 is compatible with the new 1-2-3 release 2 as well. The
- primary difference is the the higher minimum memory requirement
- (384K versus 320K) due to the increased size of 1-2-3. The first
- time you retrieve FITT, it will take longer than usual because
- Lotus 1-2-3 is converting the file from Release 1 to Release 2
- format as it loads it in. When you save it, the file name
- extension becomes WK1 instead of WKS, signifying that the
- worksheet is in Release 2 format. The next time this file is
- retrieved, the conversion won't have to be repeated, and it will
- load more quickly. Note that the original file (FITT86.WKS)
- remains intact.
- 2.5. FITT Files
- FITT consists of a collection of three separate files. The main
- worksheet file is named FITTyy.WKS. The yy after the acronym
- signifies the last two digits of the tax year for which this
- version was designed. In this case, the file is named FITT86.WKS
- because it is the version to be used in preparing the federal tax
- return for the 1986 tax year. Those of you who are users of
- Lotus 1-2-3 will recognize the familiar WKS extension which
- signifies that a file is a Lotus 1-2-3 release 1A worksheet.
- This documentation is contained in a file called FITTyy.DOC. It
- is a plain ASCII text file which can be displayed or printed by
- using the DOS TYPE command.
- The third file is named STATESyy.WKS. It contains the optional
- state sales tax tables for all 46 states that have a sales tax.
- If you are fortunate enough to live in a state without a sales
- tax, or you do not itemize your deductions using Schedule A, then
- you won't need this file.
- To run FITT, start up Lotus 1-2-3, place a diskette containing
- files FITTyy.WKS and STATESyy.WKS in the drive which is the
- default startup directory for 1-2-3 (usually B), or copy
- these two files into the Lotus default subdirectory on your hard
- disk, and enter the following key strokes:
- /FRFITTyy~ (~ signifies the ENTER key.)
- FITT will start up by itself, and display the title screen.
- Pressing the ENTER key will get you to the main menu. That's
- all there is to it.
- It is important that you keep the original worksheet file intact
- in case you decide to reinitialize any of the forms or schedules
- back to their original state. There is a set of menus to
- facilitate this, but it requires that the original copy of
- FITTyy.WKS be available in the default directory of 1-2-3. For
- this reason, you should make a copy of FITTyy.wks, assigning it a
- different name, and use this copy instead of the original.
- 5
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- FITT has been designed to be as easy to use as possible. The tax
- forms and schedules included in FITT have been modeled after the
- actual forms. A "fill-in-the-blanks" approach is used so that
- the data can be entered in the same way as it is on the actual
- tax forms. Some changes in format were inevitable due to
- constraints imposed by the display screen. The form layout and
- text are close enough to the actual forms so that there should be
- no confusion.
- While FITT will considerably simplify tax return preparation, its
- greatest value is probably in tax planning, and examining the
- implications of different filing strategies. For example, it can
- be used to easily determine whether a married couple would be
- better off filing separate returns, or filing a joint return. It
- can also show you whether income averaging would be to your
- advantage.
- FITT can also be used to prepare Pro Forma returns during the
- year to estimate your tax liability in advance, so you can take
- action to minimize it. In addition, it can help you determine
- the right amount to be withheld from your salary. If too much is
- being withheld, then you're giving Uncle Sam an interest-free
- loan. If too little is being withheld, you may be subject to
- penalties and have to make estimated tax payments. Unfortun-
- ately, the sweeping changes in the 1987 tax code limit FITT's
- usefulness in this regard.
- FITT is based on the U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, and
- contains the following forms and schedules:
- Form 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
- Form 2106 Employee Business Expenses
- Form 2119 Sale Or Exchange Of Principal Residence
- Form 2210 Underpayment Of Estimated Tax By Individuals
- Form 2441 Credit For Child And Dependent Care Expenses
- Form 3903 Moving Expense Adjustment
- Form 4684 Casualties And Thefts
- Schedule A Itemized Deductions
- Schedule B Interest And Dividend Income
- Schedule C Profit Or (Loss) From Business
- Schedule D Capital Gains And Losses
- Schedule E Supplemental Income Schedule
- Schedule F Farm Income And Expenses
- Schedule G Income Averaging
- Schedule R Credit For The Elderly And The
- Permanently And Totally Disabled
- Schedule SE Computation Of Social Security
- Self-Employment Tax
- Schedule W Deduction For A Married Couple When Both
- Work
- In addition, FITT contains the Tax Rate Schedules X (Single
- 6
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- Taxpayers), Y (Married Taxpayers Filing Joint Returns or Filing
- Separate Returns, and Qualifying Widows and Widowers), and Z
- (Unmarried Heads of Household).
- The Tax Table is not used. The IRS states that it should be
- used by persons with taxable incomes of less than $50,000. In
- these cases, FITT uses the Tax Rate Schedules to achieve the
- same result by rounding taxable income down to the nearest
- $50 increment, and adding $25 to place it in the middle of
- the bracket before performing the calculation specified by
- the appropriate Tax Rate Schedule.
- For those taxpayers who wish to itemize their deductions, the
- Optional State Sales Tax Tables have been provided for every
- state.
- When FITT is retrieved, the title screen will appear. Pressing
- the enter key causes the main menu screen to be displayed. You
- will notice that a version letter appears on this screen. FITT
- is initially released as Version A for a particular tax year.
- Should subsequent versions be released with improvements or
- corrections, the version letter will be updated accordingly.
- This will enable you to identify whether or not you have the most
- current version.
- 7
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- FITT utilizes menus which appear on the top two lines of the
- screen. The first line contains the available choices on that
- particular menu. You select a choice by using the left and right
- arrow keys to move the pointer from one item to another. You
- will note that as the pointer is moved to each item, the item
- appears in inverse video. The text on the line below also
- changes to provide a brief description of that particular menu
- choice.
- The main menu choices are: DATA (to enter your tax data), GO TO
- (to quickly go to a particular form or schedule), INSTALL (to
- install one of the optional state sales tax tables), PRINT (to
- print out one or more of your completed forms), REINIT (to
- reinitialize a particular form or schedule), and QUIT (to leave
- the menu system.) Each of these options will be described in
- more detail in the following sections.
- The menu structure has been designed so that at any point, you
- can return to the previous menu used, or return to the main menu.
- This flexibility permits you to efficiently move back and forth
- through the various choices.
- 4.1. The DATA, GO TO, and REINIT menus
- The DATA, GO TO, and REINIT choices on the main menu bring up
- very similar looking menus, the primary difference being the
- operation they invoke. DATA allows you to enter data on one or
- more forms using a guided "fill-in-the-blanks" approach. GO
- TO provides you with a facility to quickly "jump" from one form
- to another. REINIT allows you to reinitialize a particular form
- or schedule back to its original state using the copy on the
- original FITTyy.WKS file on the distribution disk.
- All of the forms are grouped within one set of menus, and the
- schedules grouped within a second set. The sub-menus for forms
- present the menu choices in numerical order. Thus, Form 1040 is
- shown first, and Form 5695 is shown last. Schedules are ordered
- alphabetically, with Schedule A appearing first, and Schedule M
- appearing last.
- Many of the forms and schedules supplied by the Internal Revenue
- Service must be filled out on both the front and back sides.
- This structure has been preserved in FITT. The front and back
- sides of the affected forms are listed as separate menu choices
- within the DATA, GO TO, and REINIT menus even though they are
- part of the same form.
- In FITT, a row of equal signs is used to identify the start and
- the end of a physical page on the corresponding IRS forms and
- schedules. For example, Form 1040 consists of one sheet of paper
- on which both front and back sides are used. The start and end
- 8
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- of the front sheet are identified with a row of equal signs, and
- the start and end of the back sheet are identified in the same
- fashion (see Appendix A & B). This convention makes it easier to
- navigate throughout the worksheet, and know when you've moved
- from one form to another, or one side to another.
- The distinction between front and back sheets is not made within
- the PRINT menus. My rationale is that a form or schedule should
- always be printed in its entirety. The GO TO, DATA, and REINIT
- menus deal specifically with the front and back sheets because
- you may wish to enter, change, or view data on one side of a form
- only.
- The structure of the DATA, GOTO, and REINIT menu trees are shown
- in the following table:
- 9
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- Table 4-1: DATA, GO TO, & REINIT menu trees
- FORMS Perform operation on selected forms
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 1040-FRT U.S. Individual Income Tax Return - Front sheet
- 1040-BAK U.S. Individual Income Tax Return - Back sheet
- 2106 Employee Business Expenses
- 2119 Sale or Exchange of Principal Residence
- 2210-FRT Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals
- - Front sheet
- NEXT Next menu: 2210 - Back sheet, 2441, 3903, & 4684
- PREVIOUS Previous menu: Perform operation on selected
- forms or schedules
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 2210-BAK Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals
- - Back sheet
- 2441 Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses
- 3903 Moving Expense Adjustment
- 4684-FRT Casualties and Thefts - Front sheet
- 4684-BAK Casualties and Thefts - Back sheet
- PREVIOUS Previous menu: 1040, 2106, 2119, & 2210 - Front
- sheet
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- SCHEDULES Perform operation on selected schedules
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- A Itemized Deductions
- B Interest and Dividend Income
- C Profit or (Loss) from Business
- D-FRT Capital Gains and Losses - Front sheet
- D-BAK Capital Gains and Losses - Back sheet
- NEXT Next menu: E, F, & G
- PREVIOUS Previous menu: Perform operation on selected
- forms or schedules
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- E-FRT Supplemental income schedule - Front Sheet
- E-BAK Supplemental income schedule - Back Sheet
- F-FRT Farm Income and Expenses - Front Sheet
- F-BAK Farm Income and Expenses - Back Sheet
- G Income Averaging
- NEXT Next menu: R, SE, & W
- PREVIOUS Previous menu: A, B, C, & D
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- R-FRT Credit for the Elderly and the Permanently
- and Totally Disabled - Front Sheet
- R-BAK Credit for the Elderly and the Permanently
- and Totally Disabled - Back Sheet
- SE Computation of Social Security Self-
- Employment Tax
- W Deduction for a Married Couple When Both Work
- PREVIOUS Previous menu: E, F, & G
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 10
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- 4.2. The PRINT menu
- The print menu allows you to select individual forms and
- schedules to be printed. In addition, groups of forms and
- schedules can be printed automatically.
- Each printed page contains a standard heading which consists of
- the date on the left, a title in the center, and a page number on
- the right. The title consists of the word "Schedule" or "Form"
- followed by the appropriate number or letter, and the words
- "- Front Sheet" or "- Back Sheet" where applicable. The page
- number corresponds to the printed page, and it always begins with
- 1 for each form or schedule, even if a group of them are being
- printed at one time.
- For example, Form 2119 - Sale or Exchange of Principal Residence
- (Appendix D) requires two printed pages, even though the IRS form
- is contained entirely on the front sheet. Schedule D on the
- other hand consists of a front sheet (Appendix N) printed as
- pages 1 and 2, and a back sheet (Appendix O) printed as page 3.
- The printouts have been designed to make the page breaks fall in
- a logical place. This is accomplished by dynamically changing
- the top and bottom margins during the printing process.
- Therefore you shouldn't think anything is wrong with your printer
- when some forms begin printing farther down the page than others.
- The page breaks were calculated on the basis of a 66 line page.
- Each form and schedule can be found in the appendices. They have
- been reproduced with the page breaks located where they actually
- occur when generated by FITT.
- The structure of the PRINT menu tree is shown in the following
- table:
- 11
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- Table 4-2: PRINT Menu Tree
- FORMS Print selected forms
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
- 2106 Employee Business Expenses
- 2119 Sale or Exchange of Principal Residence
- 2210 Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals
- 2441 Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses
- NEXT Next menu: 3903, & 4684
- PREVIOUS Previous menu: Print selected forms or schedules
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 3903 Moving Expense Adjustment
- 4684 Casualties and Thefts
- PREVIOUS Previous menu: 1040, 2106, 2119, 2210, & 2441
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- SCHEDULES Print selected schedules
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- A Itemized Deductions
- B Interest and Dividend Income
- C Profit or (Loss) from Business
- D Capital Gains and Losses
- E Supplemental income schedule
- NEXT Next menu: F, G, R, SE & W
- PREVIOUS Previous menu: Print selected forms or schedules
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- F Farm Income and Expenses
- G Income Averaging
- R Credit for the Elderly and the Permanently
- and Totally Disabled
- SE Computation of Social Security Self-
- Employment Tax
- W Deduction for a Married Couple When Both Work
- PREVIOUS Previous menu: A, B, C, D, & E
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 1040-ABD Print Form 1040, Schedule A, Schedule B, and
- Schedule D
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- ALL-FRMS Print all forms (1040, 2106, 2119, 2210, 2441,
- 3903, 4684, and 5695)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- ALL-SCHS Print all schedules (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R, SE,
- and W)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- ALL-F&S Print all forms and schedules
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- MAIN Return to the main menu
- 12
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- 4.3. How to make a selection from a menu
- You make your selection by moving the pointer using the left
- arrow and right arrow keys on the numeric pad on the right side
- of the keyboard until the desired choice is highlighted in
- inverse video. Pressing the ENTER key will then invoke your
- choice.
- Note that the Num Lock key must be disengaged in order for the
- arrow keys to work. Lotus 1-2-3 displays NUM in the bottom right
- corner of the screen if it is engaged. Pressing the Num Lock key
- once causes the indicator to disappear showing that it has been
- disengaged.
- The NEXT, PREVIOUS, and MAIN selections can be invoked by the
- method described above, or simply pressing the letter N key for
- NEXT, P for PREVIOUS, and M for MAIN.
- 4.4. A shortcut for reaching a menu option
- The main menu is automatically brought up after FITT is loaded,
- and the initial title screen is displayed. If you leave the menu
- command mode via the QUIT selection, you may wish to reactivate
- the main menu without restarting FITT. Holding down the Alt key
- and pressing the M key (Alt-M) will bring up the main menu
- anytime you are not in the menu command mode.
- Schedule A, for example, could be printed out by following these
- steps:
- - Bring up the main menu (Alt-M) if not under menu control
- - Select the PRINT option
- - Select the SCHEDULE option
- - Select the A option to print Schedule A
- There is a shortcut available for you to use if you wish.
- Holding down the Alt key and pressing the P key (Alt-P) will
- immediately bring up the PRINT menu, bypassing the first
- and second steps shown above. Similarly, Alt-D will bring up
- the DATA menu, Alt-G will bring up the GO TO menu, Alt-I will
- bring up the INSTALL menu, and Alt-R will bring up the REINIT
- menu.
- 4.5. The Install Menu
- The Install Menu is provided so that you can install the optional
- state sales tax table for your state in FITT. You only need to
- do this if you are itemizing your deductions using Schedule A,
- and you live in a state with a sales tax (unfortunately the odds
- are pretty good - 46 out of the 50 states have them.)
- 13
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- You invoke the Install option by selecting the INSTALL option on
- the main menu, or by pressing the Alt-I keys. This will cause
- the first of a series of menus with state names to appear at the
- top of the display. The states are listed in alphabetical order,
- with five states appearing on each menu. Choosing the NEXT
- selection will display the menu containing the next five
- states.
- The last three choices on the right side of each menu are X-NEXT
- Y-PREVIOUS and Z-MAIN. The X Y and Z prefix insures that these
- choices will never begin with the same letter as a state. This
- allows you to very rapidly move through the menus by pressing
- either X Y or Z without the possibility of inadvertently
- selecting a state name (eg. installing Nebraska when you wanted
- to specify NEXT.)
- If you happen to live in Alabama, you can install your state's
- sales tax table right from the first menu. Residents of Wyoming
- on the other hand will have to go through nine menus to get to
- their state. This should be a one-time procedure so it really
- isn't that inconvenient.
- If you are not sure which state tax table is currently installed
- in FITT, you can find out by invoking the INSTALL menu. This
- causes the current state tax table to be displayed on the
- screen. Each tax table contains the state name on the top
- line to eliminate any possible confusion. If you decide not
- to install a new state tax table, you can return to the main
- menu by specifying the MAIN option.
- If you wish to remove a tax table you've previously installed so
- that FITT won't compute any estimated sales tax at all,
- perform the install procedure and choose the file on the last
- menu named ZERO. ZERO is simply a tax table with all zeros.
- FITT is distributed with this table already installed.
- If a state tax table has already been installed, and you wish to
- install a table from another state, simply repeat the
- installation procedure, and the new table will replace the old
- one.
- Once you've installed the appropriate state tax table, it is a
- good idea to save a copy of the modified FITT worksheet so that
- you don't have to repeat the installation procedure again next
- time. It is also a good idea to save it under a different file
- name so you don't overwrite your original copy of FITT. For
- example:
- /FSMYFITT~ (~ signifies the ENTER key.)
- will cause Lotus 1-2-3 to save a copy of FITT under the name
- 14
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- Entering your income tax data involves inputting your data on the
- appropriate forms which apply to you. It is unlikely that you
- will need to use every one of the forms and schedules that FITT
- provides. A few people will only need to use Form 1040. Most
- people will probably need to use Schedules B and D to report
- interest and dividend income and capital gains and losses. Many
- will need to use Schedule A to report itemized deductions. The
- remaining forms and schedules will apply to a relatively small
- number of taxpayers. They have been included to insure that FITT
- will have maximum utility for the vast majority of people.
- 5.1. Order Of Data Entry
- In general, the order in which you enter your data doesn't
- matter. I recommend that you start with Form 1040, and enter
- your filing status and exemptions. Then you should complete
- the income section line by line and use the supplementary
- forms when you reach a line that requires it.
- You can complete the forms in a different order if you wish. You
- will see the Lotus 1-2-3 indicators NA or ERR displayed in those
- locations where there are calculations which require data that
- has not yet been entered. This won't matter since the errors
- will be removed once all of the required data has been
- entered.
- There is one instance where you have to be careful about the
- order of data entry. If you are itemizing your deductions using
- Schedule A, you can deduct a higher amount than that taken from
- the state sales tax table on line 8a if your records document
- that you paid more sales tax. Before you compare the amount on
- line 8a with your own sales tax records, be sure that you've
- completed the front sheet of Form 1040, and Schedules B, D, and W
- if applicable.
- The reason is that the amount drawn from the sales tax table is
- based on total available income. FITT calculates total available
- income from information contained on the front sheet of Form
- 1040, and Schedules B, D, and W. If you compare the amount taken
- from the sales tax table before these other schedules are
- completed, the amount may be lower than it will be after these
- schedules are completed. Comparing this amount with your sales
- tax records might cause you to use the amount from your records
- when in fact the final amount taken from the sales tax table
- would have been higher. Thus, you would be cheating yourself out
- of the complete deduction to which you are entitled.
- 5.2. Cell protection
- To safeguard the contents of those cell locations which should
- not be altered by the user, the cell protection feature has been
- 15
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- employed. Those cells in which the user may enter data are in an
- "unprotected" state. These cells are highlighted in green if you
- are using a color monitor, or appear in a higher intensity if you
- are using a monochrome monitor.
- The remaining cells are "protected". If you attempt to enter
- data in one of these cells, you will hear a beep, and the message
- "Protected Cell" will appear in the lower left corner of the
- display. You will not be able to proceed until you reset the
- error condition by pressing the Esc key.
- 5.3. Two alternative methods for data entry
- There are two different methods that you can use to enter your
- data. The method you choose is purely a matter of personal
- preference.
- The first method is to use the DATA menu, and select the specific
- form or schedule in which you wish to enter data. This will
- cause the designated form to appear, and move the cell pointer
- (the rectangular bar in inverse video that points to the current
- cell) to the first unprotected cell. When you use the arrow
- keys on the numeric keypad to move the cell pointer, it will
- skip over any intervening protected cells to the next
- unprotected cell.
- In general, pressing the right arrow key will move you through
- the unprotected cells on a form in the proper sequence from top
- to bottom. Pressing the HOME key on the numeric keypad moves the
- cell pointer to the unprotected cell closest to the upper left
- corner of the form. Pressing the END key moves the cell pointer
- to the unprotected cell closest to the lower right corner of the
- form.
- When you are done entering data on the form, pressing the ENTER
- key without entering any data will return you back to the DATA
- menu. From here, you can select the next form or schedule that
- you wish to complete.
- The second method for entering data is to use the GO TO menu to
- move to the form or schedule of your choice. You then move
- the cell pointer to the unprotected cells on that form and enter
- the data.
- There are distinct differences between these two methods of data
- entry. When you use the DATA menu, you automatically skip from
- one unprotected cell to another which makes it easier to
- determine where the data needs to be entered. The disadvantage
- is that you may not see all parts of the form or schedule; you
- will only see those parts containing the unprotected cells. This
- becomes more of a problem when you wish to view the bottom of a
- form where the results are shown, but can't get there because
- there are no unprotected cells in that vicinity. You also don't
- have complete flexibility of movement.
- 16
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- When you enter data outside of the control of the menu system,
- you will have to move the cell pointer through a greater range of
- cell locations yourself. While this requires more manipulation
- of the cell pointer on your part, you do have the flexibility to
- move anywhere on the forms you wish. The choice of method is
- yours.
- 5.4. A Few Words About Recalculation
- Due to the size and complexity of FITT, recalculation of the
- worksheet takes several seconds (which really isn't very long -
- one of my 1-2-3 worksheets takes over 10 minutes). If this
- recalculation took place every time a data item was entered, the
- resulting pause after each entry would quickly become annoying.
- Since it isn't necessary to recalculate this often, the
- recalculation mode has been set to manual. This means that
- recalculation will only take place on demand when you press the
- F9 function key.
- The disadvantage of this approach is that you must remember to
- invoke recalculation before examining any results. You can tell
- if recalculation is required by looking for the CALC indicator in
- the lower right portion of the screen. If it is present, it
- signifies that something has been changed since the last time the
- worksheet was recalculated.
- If you enter data through the use of the DATA menu, the
- worksheet is automatically recalculated for you when you exit
- from entering data in a particular form or schedule. This is
- another advantage of the DATA menus; you don't have to be
- concerned about invoking recalculation.
- Whenever you initiate a printing operation from the print menu,
- the worksheet is recalculated first before printing. This
- guarantees that the printed information is correct and up-to-
- date.
- I'm emphasizing this subject because all too often, I've seen
- worksheets yield incorrect answers because the user (myself
- included) forgot to invoke recalculation before recording the
- results.
- 5.5. Data Entry Specifics
- In general, you need only follow the instructions contained in
- your 1040 package to supply the data required by FITT. In the
- sections that follow, specific areas that may require clarifi-
- cation are treated on a form-by-form basis. In forms where
- several alternative calculation methods are possible, certain
- "switches" may need to be set to indicate the method you've
- chosen. These "switches" will be described as well.
- 17
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- 5.5.1. Form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
- On the top of this form, you will see space for identifying
- information like your name and social security number.
- Completing this section is entirely optional since it does not
- affect the calculations in any way. This is also true for the
- other tax forms and schedules as well. If you are preparing
- several alternate tax returns, you might wish to enter some text
- in this section to identify which alternative it is.
- In the Filing Status section, you must enter a number (1 through
- 5) to indicate your filing status instead of the check mark in a
- box on the real Form 1040. Entering a number outside this range
- will cause the ERR indicator to be displayed immediately to the
- right.
- In the exemptions section, you must enter a 1 on those parts of
- lines 6a, and 6b which apply to you. If anything other than a 0
- or 1 is entered, the ERR indicator will be displayed to the
- right. Lines 6c, 6d, and 6e are checked to be sure that the
- numbers you enter are greater than or equal to zero.
- There are three cases where the use of a supplementary schedule
- is optional. FITT has been set up under the assumption
- that Schedule B for interest and dividend income will be used,
- and brings the totals from this schedule forward onto the
- lines 8 and 9a of Form 1040. Similarly, the appropriate amount
- from Schedule D for capital gains and losses is brought forward
- to line 14. If you do not have to file these schedules, it is
- possible for you to enter the data directly onto the appropriate
- lines of Form 1040.
- Line 8 contains the total interest income reported on Part I of
- Schedule B. If this total is $400 or less, you don't need to
- complete Part I of Schedule B. The amount can be entered
- directly on this line. This cell location has been protected to
- prevent accidental obliteration of its formula. (See section
- 5.2 for more information about cell protection.) Therefore you
- will have to unprotect this cell before you can enter your total
- interest income.
- You cannot unprotect a cell when you have entered data entry mode
- via the DATA menu. If you are in data entry mode, you must first
- exit this mode by pressing the ENTER key. Then use the GO TO
- menu to bring you to the first page of Form 1040, and move
- the cell pointer to line 8 of this form. Once the cell
- pointer is positioned on line 8 where interest income is to
- be entered, you can unprotect the cell by pressing the Alt-U
- keys. Now you can enter your interest income directly on line 8
- without using Schedule B.
- Similarly, line 9a contains dividend income from Part II of
- Schedule B. If the amount of your dividends are $400 or less,
- then you may unprotect this cell and enter the total directly.
- 18
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- Line 14 should only be completed if you do not need Schedule D
- for other capital transactions. You will have to unprotect this
- cell before entering 40% of your capital gain distributions.
- Line 17b should contain the taxable portion of line 17a.
- Therefore if the amount entered on line 17b is larger than 17a,
- the ERR indicator will appear immediately above the amount on
- line 17b. The same check is performed on lines 20b, and 21b.
- A number of lines on the front sheet of Form 1040 require you
- to complete the associated schedules. They are: lines 8 and
- 9a-Schedule B (Interest And Dividend Income), line 12-Schedule C
- (Business Income Or Loss), line 13-Schedule D, line 18-Schedule E
- (Supplemental Income Schedule), line 19-Schedule F (Farm Income
- Or Loss), line 24-Form 3903 (Moving Expense), line 25-Form 2106
- (Employee Business Expenses), and line 30-Schedule W (Deduction
- For A Married Couple When Both Work.)
- On the back sheet of Form 1040, line 34a contains your
- total deductions if you itemize. They are brought forward
- from Schedule A. Please note that if you itemize using Schedule
- A, and enter a value on line 34b, line 35 will display the
- ERR indicator because line 34b should be completed only if you
- don't itemize your deductions on Schedule A.
- Line 38 contains the tax which is computed from the appropriate
- tax rate schedule based on your filing status, and taxable
- income. As described earlier, the tax table is not used.
- Taxable incomes below $50,000 are rounded to the center of the
- tax bracket to yield the same result as if the tax table were
- used. Note that if you've completed Schedule G for income
- averaging, line 28 from Schedule G will be used on line 38 of
- Form 1040 if it is less than the amount computed from the tax
- rate schedules.
- In the Credits section, lines 41, and 42 are brought forward from
- Form 2441, and Schedule R respectively. In the Other Taxes
- section, line 50 comes from Schedule SE.
- 5.5.2. Form 2106 - Employee Business Expenses
- On this form, you have a choice of using the standard mileage
- rate (Part II, Section B), or actual expenses (Part II, Section
- C), in computing vehicle expenses on line 1. If you choose to
- use the standard mileage rate, you must replace the NA above line
- 11, with a 1. This tells FITT that you want Section B to serve
- as the basis for the vehicle expense calculations.
- If you wish to use Section C instead, no special action is
- required.
- 5.5.3. Form 2119 - Sale Or Exchange Of Principal Residence
- 19
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- There are several "switches" that may need to be set on this
- form. If your former residence was held six months or less, be
- sure to enter YES in the cell to the right of line 1a. This will
- remove the NA on this line which causes the gain to be treated as
- a short term capital gain instead of a long term capital gain.
- If you bought a new residence, be sure to enter the date on line
- 2a. This will activate the calculations in Part III - Gain To Be
- Postponed and Adjusted Basis of New Residence. The ERR indicator
- appears above line 9 of Part III as a reminder until a date is
- entered on line 2a.
- If you elect to take the once in a lifetime exclusion of the gain
- on the sale, be sure to check YES on line 3d. This will activate
- the calculations in Part II - Age 55 or Over One-Time Exclusion.
- The ERR indicator appears above line 7 of this part as a reminder
- not to complete this part unless you've checked YES on line 3d.
- 5.5.4. Form 2210 - Underpayment Of Estimated Tax By Individuals
- On line 14, if you use the annualized income installment method,
- complete the worksheet in the instructions, and enter the amount
- from line 26 in each column of line 14 (after unprotecting the
- four cells.)
- 5.5.5. Form 4684 - Casualties And Thefts
- If there was a gain from casualty or theft, lines 5 through 13 in
- Section A, and lines 5 through 10 in Section B should be skipped.
- If you have a gain, and mistakenly enter values on lines 5 or 6
- of Section A or B, the ERR indicator will appear immediately
- below the cells in which you've entered non-zero values.
- If you are completing more than one Form 4684, the sum of the
- line 12 amounts are to be entered on line 13, and the sum of the
- line 4 amounts are to be entered on line 14. In this case, you
- should unprotect the cells for lines 13 & 14, and enter the
- totals directly.
- 5.5.6. Schedule A - Itemized Deductions
- If you are filing Schedule A, you need to activate this Schedule
- by replacing the NA above line 1, with a 1. This step is
- required because some taxpayers may be required to file Schedule
- A, even though they have no deductions to report. This "switch"
- is the only way FITT can be sure that the Schedule A calculations
- should or should not be performed.
- Schedule A uses the optional state sales tax tables. Before
- entering data on this schedule, be sure that you've installed the
- proper table for your state as described in section 4.5. The
- 20
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- tables are based on all available income.
- FITT calculates total available income as the sum of adjusted
- gross income (Form 1040, line 33), nontaxable pensions and
- annuities (Form 1040, line 17a minus 17b), nontaxable
- unemployment compensation (Form 1040, line 20a minus 20b),
- nontaxable social security benefits (Form 1040, line 21a minus
- 21b), working married couple deduction (Form 1040, line 30),
- dividend exclusion (Form 1040, line 9b), nontaxable capital gain
- distributions (Form 1040, line 14 divided by 0.4 & multiplied by
- 0.6), nontaxable distributions (Schedule B, line 7), and
- nontaxable capital gain (Schedule D, line 21 minus line 22).
- If you have any other nontaxable income not included in the above
- amounts, a provision has been made for you to include it as well.
- Before entering Schedule A, you should first leave the menu
- system via the QUIT option on the main menu, press the F5
- function key (Lotus 1-2-3 GO TO command), and enter NONTAXABLE-
- INC~ (~signifies the enter key.)
- This will position the cell pointer at an unprotected cell which
- is outside of Schedule A. Enter the amount of any other non-
- taxable income not already included in the calculation. FITT
- will take care of adding this amount to the rest of your
- total available income before looking up the sales tax deduction
- in the table.
- After entering any other non-taxable income, look at line 8a
- after the model has been recalculated. If you kept records that
- show you paid more state sales tax than the tables list, you
- may use the larger amount. If this is the case, unprotect the
- cell, and enter the amount from your records.
- This is why it's important for you to have completed the first
- page of Form 1040, Schedules B, D, and W if they apply. If
- your total available income has not been accurately calculated at
- this point, you won't be getting the proper value from the state
- tax table for comparison.
- A number of FITT84 users asked about how to handle local city
- tax. It turns out that there are a number of situations which
- vary from state to state in which you may need to add an
- additional amount to that listed in the State Sales Tax Table. A
- cell immediately to the right of line 8b labeled Local tax has
- been added. Any number entered here will be included in the
- total taxes calculated on line 10.
- The amount on line 26 gets brought forward to line 34a of Form
- 1040. If the amount on this line is less than zero, the
- alternate calculation specified by the IRS is performed, and the
- result entered on line 35 of Form 1040.
- 5.5.7. Schedule B - Interest And Dividend Income
- 21
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- There is nothing unusual about filling out this form. Space has
- been provided for you to enter the descriptive information
- regarding the names of payers.
- Line 3 of Part I is carried forward to line 8 of Form 1040, and
- line 9 of Part II is carried forward to line 9a of Form 1040.
- Also, line 6 containing capital gain distributions is brought
- over to line 13 of Schedule D.
- 5.5.8. Schedule D - Capital Gains And Losses
- Columns d (Gross sales price) and e (Cost or other basis) are
- used to compute the loss (column f) or gain (column g) for each
- item of property described on line 1 of Part I and line 9 of Part
- II. Columns a, b, and c are not used in the calculations, but
- contain descriptive information only.
- When completing lines 5, 6, 12, & 15, be sure that you enter a
- loss as a negative number in the loss column (column f). If
- it is a gain, it should be entered as a positive number in the
- gain column (column g). A check is made to insure that any
- values entered in the loss column are negative.
- Line 13 in Part II contains the capital gain distributions
- reported on line 6 of Schedule B. If you did not use Schedule B,
- and have capital gain distributions to report, enter them
- directly on line 13 of Schedule D after unprotecting that cell.
- 5.5.9. Schedule E - Supplemental Income Schedule
- Be sure that any losses entered in the loss column (column E) of
- the Partnerships and the Estates sections of Part II, are entered
- as negative numbers. Also note that depreciation expense on line
- 19 is brought over from the depreciation worksheet in Part V.
- This worksheet applies only to property placed in service before
- 1981. If you have property placed in service in 1981 or later,
- you will have to complete Form 4562 (not included within FITT)
- for all property, and enter the results directly on line 19 after
- unprotecting the cells.
- 5.5.10. Schedule G - Income Averaging
- In order to "activate" Schedule G, you have to enter a 1 in place
- of the NA in the upper right corner of this schedule. If you use
- the GO TO menu to go to Schedule G, you will see that this
- specific cell location is clearly marked on the top of the form.
- If you do not change this cell, the amount on line 28 of Schedule
- G will not be checked against the tax figured on the line 38 of
- Form 1040. Removing the NA from this cell will cause the tax
- computed from the tax rate schedules to be compared with the tax
- 22
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- on line 28 of Schedule G. The lowest of the two will then be
- chosen.
- 5.5.11. Schedule R - Credit For The Elderly And Disabled
- Be sure that you check one, and only one line in lines 1 through
- 9. The line you check determines how the calculations are
- performed. If you check more than one line, the results will be
- incorrect. If you forget to check one of these lines, the ERR
- indicator will appear on line 10.
- 5.5.12. Schedule SE - Comp Of Soc Secur Self-Emp Tax
- There are three "switches" at the top of this schedule. You must
- enter a 1 immediately to the right of the cell labeled SCH SE--->
- to activate Schedule SE. In addition, if you elect to complete
- Part II - Optional Computation of Net Earnings From Self-
- Employment, you must indicate if you are using the Farm option,
- or Non-Farm option of calculating net earnings from self-
- employment. There are two "switches" appropriately labeled at
- the top of the form for this purpose. If you are not using Part
- II, then leave the FARM OPT, and NON-FRAM OPT switches set to a
- value of NA.
- 5.5.13. Schedule W - Deduction For A Married Couple
- When completing line 1, the wages reported in the columns for you
- and your spouse should add up to the total wages, salaries, tips,
- etc. reported on Form 1040, line 7. If they do not, the ERR
- indicator will be displayed.
- The net profit or (loss) from self-employment entered on line 2
- should equal line 32 of Schedule C, plus line 38 of Schedule F.
- If it does not, the ERR indicator will be displayed.
- Any adjustments reported on line 4, should equal the amount
- reported on Form 1040, lines 25, 26, and 27.
- If the amount calculated for line 5 in column a or b is zero or
- less, then no deduction will be carried forward to Form 1040.
- 5.6. Reinitializing Specific Forms and Schedules
- FITT is distributed with zero values in the input cells on all of
- the forms and schedules. You may find yourself in a position
- where it would be desirable to reinitialize one or more of the
- schedules with zeros, while retaining the values you've entered
- into the rest of FITT.
- This can be done quite easily by combining specific schedules
- from the original FITT worksheet into your working copy,
- replacing the schedule you wish to initialize. This is done
- 23
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- using the REINIT option on the main menu.
- This operation requires that the original FITTyy.WKS file on the
- distribution disk be present in the default directory of 1-2-3.
- If the default directory is drive A or B, simply place the
- original disk in that drive before initiating the REINIT
- selection on the main menu.
- If the default directory is on a fixed disk (drive C or D), then
- make sure that a copy of FITTyy.WKS exists in that directory.
- Your other option is to temporarily change the default directory
- from your fixed disk to one of the floppy diskette drives (eg.
- /FDB:\).
- 24
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- The author makes no representations or warranties with respect to
- the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied
- warranties of merchantibility of fitness for any particular
- purpose. Further, the author reserves the right to revise this
- publication and to make changes from time to time in the content
- hereof without obligation of the author to notify any person or
- organization of such revision or changes.
- 25
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- A. Form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return-Front Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Enter your first name & initial] [Your social security #]
- [Present home address (number & street)] [Spouse's soc. secur. #]
- [City, town or post office, State, and ZIP code]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FILING 1 Single
- STATUS 2 Married filing joint return (even if only one had income)
- 3 Married filing separate return. Enter spouse's SSN above.
- 4 Head of household (with qualifying person).
- 5 Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child.
- ENTER STATUS (1,2,3,4 or 5)--> 2 .
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- EXEMP- 6a Enter 0 or 1 for: Yourself 0 .
- TIONS 65 or over 0 .
- Blind 0 .
- b Spouse 0 .
- 65 or over 0 .
- Blind 0 .
- c Enter number of dependent
- children who lived with you 0 .
- d Enter number of dependent
- children who did not live
- with you 0 .
- e Enter # of other dependents 0 .
- f Total number of exemptions claimed . . . . . . 6f 0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- INCOME 7 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. . . . . . . . . . . 7 0.00
- 8 Interest income (from Schedule B) . . . . . . . 8 0.00
- 9a Dividends (from Schedule B) . . . .9a 0.00
- 9b Exclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . .9b 0.00
- 9c Subtract line 9b from line 9a . . . . . . . . . 9c 0.00
- 10 Refunds of State and local income taxes . . . .10 0.00
- 11 Alimony received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 0.00
- 12 Business income or (loss) (Schedule C) . . . .12 0.00
- 13 Capital gain or (loss) (Schedule D) . . . . . .13 0.00
- 14 40% of capital gain distributions . . . . . . .14 0.00
- 15 Other gains or (losses) (Form 4797) . . . . . .15 0.00
- 16 Fully taxable pensions, IRA dist., etc. . . . .16 0.00
- 17a Other pensions & annunities . . . 17a 0.00 .
- b Taxable amount, if any . . . . . . . . . . . .17b 0.00
- 18 Rents, royalties, partnerships, etc. (Sched E) 18 0.00
- 19 Farm income or (loss) (Schedule F) . . . . . .19 0.00
- 20a Unemployment comp. Total received 20a 0.00 .
- b Taxable amount, if any . . . . . . . . . . . .20b 0.00
- 21a Social security benefits . . . . 21a 0.00 .
- b Taxable amount, if any . . . . . . . . . . . .21b 0.00
- 22 Other income (state nature & source) _________
- ______________________________________________ 22 0.00
- 23 Add lines 7 through 22. --------- TOTAL INCOME 23 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 26
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- ADJUST-24 Moving expense (Form 3903/3903F). 24 0.00
- MENTS 25 Employee business exp (Form 2106) 25 0.00
- TO 26 IRA deduction . . . . . . . . . . 26 0.00
- INCOME 27 Keogh retirement plan deduction . 27 0.00
- 28 Penalty on erly withdrl of savngs 28 0.00
- 29 Alimony paid . . . . . . . . . . 29 0.00
- 30 Wrkng married couple ded (Sch W). 30 0.00
- 31 Add lines 24 through 30. ----TOTAL ADJUSTMNTS: 31 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- GROSS 32 ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 0.00
- INCOME (Subtract line 31 from line 23.)
- ========================================================================
- 27
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- B. Form 1040 - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return-Back Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TAX 33 Amount from line 32 (adjusted gross income) . .33 0.00
- COMPU- 34a If you itemize, line 26 from Schedule A . . . .34a NA
- TATION b If you do not itemize but you made
- charit contrib, enter cash cont. .34b 0.00
- c Enter your noncash contributions .34c 0.00
- d Add lines 34b and 34c . . . . . . . . . . . . .34d 0.00
- 35 Subtract line 34a or 34d from line 33 . . . . .35 ERR
- 36 Multiply $1,080 by the # of exemptions . . . .36 0.00
- 37 Taxable income. Subtract line 36 from 35 . . .37 ERR
- 38 TAX from Tax Table or Rate Schedules . . . . .38 ERR
- 39 Additional taxes (Form 4970, 4972, or 5544) . .39 0.00
- 40 Add lines 38 and 39: TOTAL TAXES . . . . . . .40 ERR
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CREDITS41 Credit-child care exp (Form 2441).41 0.00
- 42 Credit-elderly/disabled (Sched R).42 0.00
- 43 Partial cred.-political contri . .43 0.00
- 44 Add lines 41 - 43. TOTAL PERSONAL CREDITS . .44 0.00
- 45 Subtract line 44 from 40 (not less than 0) . .45 ERR
- 46 Foreign tax credit (Form 1116) . .46 0.00
- 47 General business credit . . . . .47 0.00
- 48 Add lines 46 - 47: TOTAL BUS. & OTHER CREDITS .48 0.00
- 49 Subtract line 48 from 45 (not less than 0) . .49 ERR
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- OTHER 50 Self-employment tax (Schedule SE) . . . . . . .50 0.00
- TAXES 51 Alternative minimum tax (Form 6251) . . . . . .51 0.00
- 52 Tax from recap. of invest. cred. (Frm 4255) . .52 0.00
- 53 Social sec. tax on tip income (Form 4137) . . .53 0.00
- 54 Tax on an IRA (Form 5329) . . . . . . . . . . .54 0.00
- 55 Add lines 49 through 54: TOTAL TAX . . . . . .55 ERR
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PAY- 56 Federal income tax withheld . . . 56 0.00
- MENTS 57 1986 estimated tax payments . . . 57 0.00
- 58 Earned income credit . . . . . . 58 0.00
- 59 Amount paid with Form 4868 . . . 59 0.00
- 60 Excess social security & RRTA tax 60 0.00
- 61 Credit for Federal gasoline tax . 61 0.00
- 62 Regulated Investment Co. credit . 62 0.00
- 63 Add lines 56 through 62: TOTAL PAYMENTS . . .63 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- REFUND 64 If line 63 is larger than 55, OVERPAID . . . .64 ERR
- OR 65 Amount of line 64 to be REFUNDED TO YOU . . . .65 0.00
- AMOUNT 66 Amt. applied to 1987 estim. tax . 66 ERR
- DUE 67 If line 55 is larger than 63, AMOUNT OWED . . .67 ERR
- Penalty from Form 2210 ERR
- ========================================================================
- 28
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- C. Form 2106 - Employee Business Expenses
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Your name SSN Occupation in which exp were incurred
- _____________________ __________ _______________________________________
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART I Employee Bus Exp Deductible in Figuring Adjusted Gross Income
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Vehicle expenses from Part II, lines 15 or 22 . . . . . 1 0.00
- 2 Parking fees, tolls, & certain other expenses . . . . . 2 0.00
- 3 Local transportation including train, cabs, bus, etc. . 3 0.00
- 4 Travel expenses while away from home overnight . . . . 4 0.00
- 5 Employees who are not outside salespersons: Enter your
- expenses, not included on lines 1 through 4, for
- entertainment, gifts, and other business expenses up to
- the amount you were reimbursed by your employer . . . . 5 0.00
- 6 Outside salesperson's expenses: Enter your total
- expenses for entertainment, gifts, and other business
- expenses not included on lines 1 through 4 . . . . . . 6 0.00
- 7 Add lines 1 through 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0.00
- 8 Enter reimbursements from employer on this line if the
- reimbursements were not included on Form W-2 . . . . . 8 0.00
- 9 If line 7 is more than line 8, enter difference here
- and on Form 1040, line 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 NA
- 10 If line 8 is more than line 7, enter difference here
- and include it on Form 1040, line 7 . . . . . . . . . .10 NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART II Vehicle Exp. (Use actual exp. or the standard mileage rate.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Section A. - General Information Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Date vehicle was placed in service . . 1 0 0
- 2 Total mileage used during 1986 . . . . 2 0 0
- 3 Miles included on line 2 for business. 3 0 0
- 4 % of business use (line 3 / line 2) . 4 0.00% 0.00%
- 5 Avrg daily round trip commuting dist . 5 0 0
- 6 Miles included on line 2 for commuting 6 0 0
- 7 Other personal mileage (line 2-(3+6)). 7 0 0
- 8 Do you have another vehicle YES NO NOT APPL
- available for personal use? . ___ ___
- 9 If your employer provided you
- with a vehicle, is personal
- use off duty hours permitted? ___ ___ ___
- 10 Do you have evidence to
- support your deduction? . . . ___ ___
- If yes, is evidence written? ___ ___
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Section B. - Standard Mileage Rate (Do not use unless you own vehicle)
- If you are using the standard mileage rate, enter a 1 here -> NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 11 Enter the smaller of Part II, line 3 or 15,000 miles .11 0
- 12 Subtract line 11 from Part II, line 3 . . . . . . . . .12 0
- 13 Multiply line 11 by 21 cents . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 0.00
- 14 Multiply line 12 by 11 cents . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 0.00
- 15 Add lines 13 and 14. Enter here & on Part I, line 1 .15 0.00
- 29
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Section C. - Actual Expenses Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 16 Gas, oil, repairs, insurance, etc. . .16 0.00 0.00
- 17 Vehicle rentals . . . . . . . . . . .17 0.00 0.00
- 18 Value of employer-provided vehicle
- (applies only if incl on Form W-2) . .18 0.00 0.00
- 19 Add lines 16 through 18 . . . . . . .19 0.00 0.00
- 20 Mult line 19 by % on Part II, line 4 .20 0.00 0.00
- 21 Depreciation from Sect D, column (f) .21 0.00 0.00
- 22 Add 20+21. Enter here & Pt I, ln 1. .22 0.00 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Section D. - Depreciation of Vehicles (Depreciation can only be claimed
- for a vehicle you own.
- --------------------------- Vehicle 1 ----------------------------------
- Basis for Deprecia. Deprecia. Section 179 Total
- Cost deprecia. Method deduction expense col (d)+(e)
- (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- --------------------------- Vehicle 2 ----------------------------------
- Basis for Deprecia. Deprecia. Section 179 Total
- Cost deprecia. Method deduction expense col (d)+(e)
- (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- ========================================================================
- 30
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- D. Form 2119 - Sale Or Exchange Of Principal Residence
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Name(s) as shown on Form 1040 Your social security number
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 a Date former residence sold ___________Short term gain-> NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- b Enter the face amount of any mortgage on which you
- will receive periodic payments from this sale . . . 1b 0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2 a If you bought a new res, enter date you occupied
- it; otherwise enter @NA NA YES NO
- b Are any rooms in either residence rented
- out or used for business for which a
- deduction is allowed? ___ ___
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3 a Were you 55 or over on date of sale? ___ ___
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- b Was your spouse 55 or over on date of ___ ___
- sale? If you answered "No" to 3a and 3b,
- do not complete 3c through 3f and Part II.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- c Did the person who answered "Yes" to 3a
- or 3b own & use the property sold as his
- or her principal residence for at least
- 3 yrs of the 5-yr period before sale? ___ ___
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- d If you answered "Yes" to 3c, do you elect
- to take the once in a lifetime exclusion
- of the gain on the sale? NA ___
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- e At time of sale, was the residence owned by: you, ___
- your spouse, ___
- both of you? ___
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- f Social security number of spouse, at time of sale,
- if different from number on Form 1040 _________________
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part I Computation of Gain
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4 Selling price of residence less expense of sale . . . . 4 0
- 5 Basis of residence sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0
- 6 Gain on sale (subtract line 5 from line 4). If zero or
- less, enter zero and do not complete the rest of form.
- Enter the gain from this line on Schedule D, line 3 or
- 10, unless you bought another principal residence or
- checked "Yes" to 3d. Then continue with this form . . 6 0
- If you haven't replaced your residence, do you plan
- to do so within the replacement period? YES ___
- NO ___
- 31
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part II Age 55 or Over One-Time Exclusion
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Complete only if you checked "Yes" to 3(d)-> ERR
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7 Enter the smaller of line 6 or $125,000 ($62,500, if
- married filing separate return) . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 NA
- 8 Gain (subtract line 7 from line 6). If zero, do not
- complete rest of form. Enter the gain from this line
- on Schedule D, line 10, unless you bought another
- principal residence. Then continue with this form . . 8 NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part III Gain To Be Postponed and Adjusted Basis of New Residence
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Complete only if you bought another principal residence. ERR
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9 Fixing-up expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0
- 10 Adjusted sales price (subtract line 9 from line 4) . .10 NA
- 11 Cost of new residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 0
- 12 Gain taxable this year (subtract line 11 plus line 7
- (if applicable) from line 10). If result is zero or
- less, enter zero. Do not enter more than line 6 or
- line 8 (if applicable). Enter the gain from this line
- on Schedule D, line 3 or 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 NA
- 13 Gain to be postponed (subtract line 12 from line 6.
- However, if Part II applies, subtract line 12 from
- line 8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 NA
- 14 Adj basis of new residence (subtract line 13 from 11) .14 NA
- ========================================================================
- 32
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- E. Form 2210 - Underpay Of Est Tax By Individuals-Front Sht
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part I Figuring Your Underpayment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 1986 tax after credits (from Form 1040, line 49) . . . . 1 ERR
- 2 Other taxes (see instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0.00
- 3 Add lines 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ERR
- 4 Earned income credit . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0.00
- 5 Credit for fed tax on gas & special fuels . 5 0.00
- 6 Credit for overpaid windfall profit tax . . 6 0.00
- 7 Add lines 4, 5, and 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0.00
- 8 Subtract line 7 from line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ERR
- 9 Multiply line 8 by 80% (.80) . . . . . . . . 9 ERR
- 10 Withholding taxes from 1986 Form 1040, lines 56 and 60 .10 0.00
- 11 Subtract line 10 from line 8. If the result is less
- than $500, do not complete the rest of form . . . . . .11 ERR
- 12 Enter your 1985 tax (see instructions) . . . . . . . . .12 0.00
- 13 Enter the smaller of line 9 or line 12 . . . . . . . . .13 ERR
- ----------- Payment Due Dates -----------
- (a) (b) (c) (d)
- 15-Apr-86 15-Jun-86 15-Sep-86 15-Jan-87
- -------------------------------------------
- 14 Divide line 13 by four
- & enter in each col . 14 ERR ERR ERR ERR
- 15 Estimated tax paid
- and tax withheld. (For
- col (a) only, enter the
- amt frm line 15 on 19) 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- 16 Enter amt, if any, from
- line 22 of prev col . 16 -------- ERR ERR ERR
- 17 Add lines 15 and 16 . 17 -------- ERR ERR ERR
- 18 Add amts on lines 20 &
- 21 of the prev column 18 -------- ERR ERR ERR
- 19 Enter ln 17-ln 18. If
- 0 or less, ent 0. (For
- col (a), enter ln 15) 19 0.00 ERR ERR ERR
- 20 Remain underpay from
- prev period. If line
- 19 is 0, ent ln 18-17 20 -------- ERR ERR ERR
- 21 UNDERPAYMENT. If line
- 14 is >=line 19, enter
- ln 14-19. Then go to
- ln 15 of next col.
- Else go to line 22 . . 21 ERR ERR ERR ERR
- 22 OVERPAYMENT. If ln 19
- is > ln 14, enter line
- 19-14. Then go to ln
- 15 of next column . . 22 ERR ERR ERR ERR
- ========================================================================
- 33
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- F. Form 2210 - Underpay Of Est Tax By Individuals-Back Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part II Figuring the Penalty
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------- Payment Due Dates -----------
- (a) (b) (c) (d)
- 15-Apr-86 15-Jun-86 15-Sep-86 15-Jan-87
- -------------------------------------------
- 23 Underpayment from line
- 21, page 1 . . . . . . 23 ERR ERR ERR ERR
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rate Period 1 - 10%
- (April 15, 1986 -
- June 30, 1986)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 24a Computation starting
- date for this period 24a 15-Apr-86 15-Jun-86 --------- --------
- b # of days FROM the
- date on ln 24a TO
- the date ln 23 was
- paid or 6/30/86,
- whichever is earlier.
- If 6/30 is earlier, Days Days
- ent 76 & 15, respec. .24b 0 0 --------- --------
- c (# of days on ln 24b)/
- 365 * 10% * underpaymnt
- on line 23 . . . . . .24c ERR ERR --------- --------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rate Period 2 - 9%
- (July 1, 1986 -
- April 15, 1987)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25a Computation starting
- date for this period .25a 30-Jun-86 30-Jun-86 15-Sep-86 15-Jan-87
- b # of days FROM the
- date on ln 25a TO
- the date ln 23 was
- paid or 4/15/87,
- whichever is earlier.
- If 4/15 is earlier,
- enter 289, 289, 212,
- and 90 in col (a)-(d), Days Days Days Days
- respectively . . . . .25b 0 0 0 0
- c (# of days on ln 25b)/
- 365 * 9% * underpaymnt
- on line 23 . . . . . .25c ERR ERR ERR ERR
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 26 Penalty (add all amounts on lines 24c & 25c in all cols)
- Check the box below line 67 on Form 1040 & show this amt
- in the space provided. If you owe tax, add the penalty
- to your tax & show the total on line 67. If you are due
- a refund, subtract the penalty from the overpayment on
- line 64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 ERR
- ========================================================================
- 34
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- G. Form 2441 - Credit For Child And Dependent Care Expenses
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Name(s) as shown on Form 1040]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Enter the number of qualifying persons who were cared
- for in 1986 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
- 2 Enter the amount of qualified expenses you incurred and
- actually paid in 1986, but do not write more than $2,400
- ($4,800 if you paid for the care of two or more
- qualifying persons) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0.00
- 3a You must enter your earned income on line 3a. See the .
- instruc for line 3 for the definition of earned income 3a 0.00
- b If you are married, filing a joint return for 1986, you
- must enter your spouse's earned income on line 3b . . 3b 0.00
- c If you are married filing a joint return, compare the
- amounts on lines 3a and 3b, and enter the smaller of
- the two amounts on line 3c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c 0.00
- 4 -If you were unmarried at the end of 1986, compare the
- amounts on lines 2 and 3a, and enter the smaller of
- the two amounts on line 4.
- -If you are married filing a joint return, compare the
- amounts on lines 2 and 3c, and enter the smaller of
- the two amounts on line 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0.00
- 5 Enter the percentage from the table below that applies
- to the adjusted gross income on Form 1040, line 33 . . 6 30%
- If line 33 is: % is:
- 0.00 30%
- 10,000.00 29%
- 12,000.00 28%
- 14,000.00 27%
- 16,000.00 26%
- 18,000.00 25%
- 20,000.00 24%
- 22,000.00 23%
- 24,000.00 22%
- 26,000.00 21%
- 28,000.00 20%
- 6 Multiply the amount on line 4 by the percentage shown
- on line 5, and enter the result . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0.00
- 7 Multiply any child and dependent care expenses for 1985
- that you paid in 1986 by the percentage that applies to
- the adjusted gross income on your 1985 Form 1040,
- line 33, or Form 1040A, line 15. Enter the result . . 8 0.00
- 8 Add amounts on lines 6 and 7. Enter the total here and
- on Form 1040, line 41. This is the maximum amount of
- your credit for child and dependent care expenses . . . 8 0.00
- ========================================================================
- 35
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- H. Form 3903 - Moving Expense Adjustment
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Name(s) as shown on Form 1040 [SSN]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- a Number of miles from old residence to new work place . a 0
- b Number of miles from old residence to old work place . b 0
- c Subtract line b from line a. Enter the result . . . . c 0
- If line c is 35 or more miles, complete the rest of this form.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Transportation exp in moving hsehld gds & person. effects 0.00
- 2 Travel, meal, & lodging exp in moving from old to new res 0.00
- 3 Pre-move trvl, meal, & lodging exp in
- looking for new res after getting job 3 0.00
- 4 Temporary living exp in new location
- or area during any 30 days in a row
- after getting your job . . . . . . . . 4 0.00
- 5 Add lines 3 and 4 . . . . . . . . . . 5 0.00
- 6 Enter the smaller of line 5 or $1,500 ($750 if married,
- filing a separate return, and at the end of the tax
- year, you lived with your spouse who also started work
- during the tax year) . . . . . . . . 6 0.00
- 7 Expenses of (check one):
- a ____ selling or exchanging
- your old residence or
- b ____ if renting, settling
- an unexpired lease on
- your old residence . 7 0.00
- 8 Expenses of (check one):
- a ____ buying your new
- residence; or
- b ____ if renting, getting a
- lease on your new
- residence . . . . . 8 0.00
- 9 Add lines 6, 7, and 8 . . . . . . . . 9 0.00
- 10 Enter smaller of line 9 or $3,000 ($1,500 if married,
- filing a separate return, and at the end of the tax
- year, you lived with your spouse who also started work
- during the tax year) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 0.00
- 11 Add lines 1, 2, and 10. This is your moving expense
- deduction. Enter here and on Form 1040, line 24. . . .11 NA
- ========================================================================
- 36
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- I. Form 4684 - Casualties And Thefts-Front Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Name(s) as shown on tax return Identifying number
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Section A.-Personal Use Property
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Description of Properties (Show kind, locatiion, and date purchased)
- Property A ____________________________________________________
- Property B ____________________________________________________
- Property C ____________________________________________________
- Property D ____________________________________________________
- Properties
- A B C D
- 2 Cost of each property . . 0 0 0 0
- 3 Insurance or other
- reimbursement you received
- or expect to receive . . 0 0 0 0
- Note: If line 2 is more
- than line 3, skip line 4
- 4 Gain from casualty or
- theft. If line 3 is more
- than line 2, enter difference
- here, and skip line 5-13 0 0 0 0
- 5 Fair market value before
- casualty or theft . . . . 0 0 0 0
- . . . .
- 6 Fair market value after
- casualty or theft . . . . 0 0 0 0
- . . . .
- 7 Subtract line 6 from 5 . 0 0 0 0
- 8 Enter smaller of line
- 2 or line 7 . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0
- 9 Subtract line 3 from 8 . 0 0 0 0
- 10 Casualty or theft loss. Add amounts from line 9 for all
- columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 0
- 11 Amount from line 10 or $100, whichever is smaller . . .11 0
- 12 Subtract line 11 from line 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 0
- 13 Add the line 12 amounts from all Forms 4684, Section A .13 0
- 14 Add the line 4 amounts from all Forms 4684, Section A .14 0
- 15 If line 14 is more than 13, enter difference here and on
- Schedule D, and do not complete the rest of form.
- Otherwise, enter zero and complete lines 16 through 18.
- If line 14 equals line 13, don't complete rest of form .15 0
- 16 If line 13 is more than line 14, enter difference . . .16 0
- 17 Enter 10% of adjusted gross income (Form 1040, line 33).17 0
- 18 Subtract line 17 from line 16. If zero or less, enter
- zero. Enter on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 19. . . . .18 0
- ========================================================================
- 37
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- J. Form 4684 - Casualties And Thefts-Back Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Section B.-Business and Income-Producing Property
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part I Casualty or Theft Gain or Loss-Use sep Part I for each theft.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Description of Properties (Show kind, locatiion, and date purchased)
- Property A ____________________________________________________
- Property B ____________________________________________________
- Property C ____________________________________________________
- Property D ____________________________________________________
- Properties
- A B C D
- 2 Cost of each property . 2 0 0 0 0
- 3 Insurance or other
- reimbursement you recvd
- or expect to receive . 3 0 0 0 0
- Note: If line 2 is more
- than line 3, skip line 4
- 4 Gain from casualty or
- theft. If line 3 is more
- than line 2, enter diff
- here, & skip line 5-10. 4 0 0 0 0
- 5 Fair market value before
- casualty or theft . . . 5 0 0 0 0
- . . . .
- 6 Fair market value after
- casualty or theft . . . 6 0 0 0 0
- . . . .
- 7 Subtract line 6 from 5 7 0 0 0 0
- 8 Enter smaller of line
- 2 or line 7 . . . . . . 8 0 0 0 0
- 9 Subtract line 3 from 8 9 0 0 0 0
- 10 Casualty or theft loss. Add amounts from line 9 for all
- columns. Enter here and on line 11 or 16 . . . . . . .10 0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part II Summary of Gains and Losses (From separate Parts I)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (a) Identify casualty or theft ---- (b) Losses ---- (c) Gains
- (i) Trade/ (ii)Income-
- bus/rental/ producing
- roylty prop property
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Casualty or Theft of Property Held 6 Months or Less
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 11 _____________________________________ 0 0 0
- ________________________________________ 0 0 0
- 12 Totals. Add amts on line 11 . . .12 0 0 0
- 13 Combine line 12, columns (b)(i) and (c). Enter the net
- gain or (loss) here and on Form 4797, Part II, line 13 .13 0
- 14 Enter the amount from line 12, column (b)(ii) here and on
- Schedule A (Form 1040), line 19 . . . . . . . . . . . .14 0
- 38
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Casualty or Theft of Property Held More Than 6 Months
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 15 Casualty or theft gains - Form 4797, Pt III, line 31 . .15 0
- 16 _____________________________________ 0 0 0
- ________________________________________ 0 0 0
- 17 Total losses. Add amounts on line
- 16, columns (b)(i) and (b)(ii) . .17 0 0
- 18 Total gains. Add lines 15 and 16, column (c) . . . . .18 0
- 19 Add amounts on line 17, columns (b)(i) and (b)(ii) . . .19 0
- 20 If the loss on line 19 is more than the gain on line 18:
- a Combine line 17, column (b)(i) and line 18. Enter the
- net gain or (loss) here and on Form 4797, Part II,
- line 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20a NA
- b Enter the amount from line 17, column (b)(ii) here and
- on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 19 . . . . . . . . . 20b NA
- 21 If the loss on line 19 is equal to or smaller than the
- gain on line 18, combine these lines and enter here and on
- Form 4797, Part I, line 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c 0
- ========================================================================
- 39
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- K. Schedule A - Itemized Deductions
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Name(s) as shown on Form 1040] Enter a 1 here -------> NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MEDICAL 1 Prescrip. med., drugs, & insulin 1 0.00
- AND 2a Doctors, dentists, nurses, hosp.,
- DENTAL insurance premiums you paid for
- EXPENSE medical and dental care, etc. . . 2a 0.00
- b Transportation and lodging . . . 2b 0.00
- (Do not c Other (list-include hearing aids,
- include dentures, eyeglasses, etc.)
- expnses _________________________________
- paid by _________________________________ 2c 0.00
- others) 3 Add lines 1 through 2c. . . . . . 3 0.00
- 4 Multiply Adjusted Gross by 5% . . 4 0.00
- 5 Subtract line 4 from line 3. -TOT. MED. & DEN. 5 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TAXES 6 State and local income taxes . . 6 0.00
- YOU 7 Real estate taxes . . . . . . . . 7 0.00
- PAID 8a Gen. sales tax (sales tax table). 8a 0.00 Local tax
- b Gen. sales tax on motor veh. . 8b 0.00 0.00
- 9 Othr txes (list-incl. pers. prop.)
- _________________________________ 9 0.00
- 10 Add lines 6 though 9. -------------TOTAL TAXES 10 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- INTER- 11a Home mortgage interest-banks . . 11a 0.00
- EST b Home mortgage interest-individuals
- YOU (show person's name & address)
- PAID _________________________________ 11b 0.00
- 12 Credit card & chrge accnt inter .12 0.00
- 13 Other interest you paid (list)
- _________________________________
- _________________________________ 13 0.00
- 14 Add lines 11a through 13. ------TOTAL INTEREST 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CON- 15a Cash contribu. less than $3,000. 15a 0.00
- TRIBU- b Cash contri. $3,000 or more (list)
- TIONS _________________________________
- YOU _________________________________ 15b 0.00
- MADE 16 Other than cash . . . . . . . . . 16 0.00
- 17 Carryover from prior year . . . . 17 0.00
- 18 Add lines 15a through 17. -TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS 18 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LOSSES 19 Total casualty or theft loss(es) (Form 4684.) 19 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MISC. 20 Union and professional dues . . .20 0.00
- DEDUC- 21 Tax return preparation fee . . . .21 0.00
- TIONS 22 Other (list type and amount)
- _________________________________ 22 0.00
- 23 Add lines 20 through 22. --TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 23 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SUM- 24 Add lines 5, 10, 14, 18, 19, and 23. . . . . .24 0.00
- OF 25 If filing status is 2 or 5, write $3,670 . . .
- ITEM- If filing status is 1 or 4, write $2,480 . . .25 3,670.00
- IZED If filing status is 3, write $1,835 . . . . . .
- TIONS 26 Subtract line 25 from line 24.-TOTAL DEDUCT . .26 NA
- ========================================================================
- 40
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- L. Schedule B - Interest And Dividend Income
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Name(s) as shown on Form 1040]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART I If you received more than $400 in interest income, you must
- INTER- complete Part I and list ALL interest received. If you received
- EST interest as a nominee for another, see page 22.
- INCOME -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Interest income Amount
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Interest income from seller-financed mortgages.
- (Show name of payer.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0.00
- _______________________________________________
- 2 Other interest income (list name of payer)
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- 3 Add the amounts on lines 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . 3 0.00
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART If you received more than $400 in gross dividends and/or other
- II distributions on stock, complete Part II. If you received, as a
- DIVI- nominee, dividends that actually belong to another person, see
- DEND page 23.
- INCOME -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Dividend income Amount
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- 4 Dividend income (list name of payer-include on this
- line capital gain dist., nontaxable dist., etc.)
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- _______________________________________________ 0.00
- 5 Add the amounts on line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0.00
- 6 Capital gain distributions . . . . 6 0.00
- 7 Non-taxable distributions . . . . 7 0.00
- 8 Add the amounts on lines 6, and 7 . . . . . . . 8 0.00
- 9 Subtract line 8 from line 5 . . . . . . . . . . 9 0.00
- 41
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART If you received more than $400 of interest or
- III dividends, OR if you had a foreign account, you
- FOR- must answer both questions in Part III. YES NO
- EIGN -----------------------------------------------------------------
- AC- 10 At any time during the tax year, did you have any
- COUNTS authority over a financial account in a foreign
- AND country (such as a bank or securities account, or
- FOR- other account)? If "Yes," write the country name.
- EIGN _______________________________________________ ____ ____
- TRUSTS 11 Were you the grantor of, or transferor to,
- a foreign trust which existed during the
- current tax year, whether or not you have
- any beneficial interest in it? ____ ____
- ========================================================================
- 42
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- M. Schedule C - Profit Or (Loss) From Business
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Name of proprietor
- A Principal business or profession B Principal business code
- _____________________________________________ __________
- C Business name and address D Employer ID number
- _____________________________________________ _____________
- _____________________________________________
- E Method(s) used to value closing inventory:
- (1) Cost ___
- (2) Lower of cost or market ___
- (3) Other (attach explanation) ___
- F Accounting method:
- (1) Cash ___
- (2) Accrual ___
- (3) Other (specify) ___
- G Was there any change in determining
- quantities, costs, or valuations
- between opening & closing inventory? ________________________
- H Did you ded exp for an off in your home? ________________________
- I If this sch includes a loss, cred, ded, income, or other
- tax ben relating to a tax shelter req to be registered,
- check here. If you checked, you MUST attach Form 8271 ___
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART I - Income
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1a Gross receipts or sales . . . . . . . . .1a 0.00
- b Less: Returns and allowances . . . . . .1b 0.00
- c Subtract line 1b from line 1a & enter balance here . . 1c 0.00
- 2 Cost of gds sold and/or operations (Part III, line 8). 2 0.00
- 3 Subtract line 2 from line 1c & enter the gross profit. 3 0.00
- 4a Windfall Profit Tax Credit or Refund received in 1986. 4a 0.00
- b Other income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4b 0.00
- 5 Add lines 3, 4a, and 4b. This is the gross income . . 5 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART II - Deductions
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6 Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 22 Rent on prop 0.00
- 7 Bad debts from sales or services. 7 0 23 Repairs . . . 0.00
- 8 Bank service charges . . . . . . 8 0 24 Supplies . . 0.00
- 9 Car & truck expenses . . . . . . 9 0 25 Taxes (don't incl Wndfl
- 10 Commisions . . . . . . . . . . .10 0 Profit tax) 0.00
- 11 Depletion . . . . . . . . . . . .11 0 26 Trav & ent . 0.00
- 12 Depreciation & section 179 ded. .12 0 27 Util & tele . 0.00
- 13 Dues & Publications . . . . . . .13 0 28 a Wages . . . 0.00
- 14 Employee benefit programs . . . .14 0 b Jobs credit 0.00
- 15 Freight (not incl in Part III). .15 0 c 28b - 28a . 0.00
- 16 Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . .16 0 29 Windfall Profit Tax
- 17 Interest: withhld in 86 0.00
- a Mortgage (pd to fin. inst.) . 17a 0 30 Other expenses (specify)
- b Other . . . . . . . . . . . . 17b 0 a_____________ 0.00
- 18 Laundry and cleaning . . . . . .18 0 b_____________ 0.00
- 19 Legal and professional services .19 0 c_____________ 0.00
- 20 Office expense . . . . . . . . . 20 0 d_____________ 0.00
- 21 Pension and profit-sharing plans 21 0 e_____________ 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 31 Add amts in lines 6 - 30e. These are the total deduct .31 0.00
- 43
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- 32 Net profit or (loss) (line 5 - line 31) . . . . . . . .32 0.00
- 33 If loss, do you have amounts for which you are not
- "at risk" in this business? . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 ___________
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART III -- Cost of Goods Sold and/or Operations
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Inventory at beginning of year . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0.00
- 2 Purchases less cost of items withdrawn for personal use 2 0.00
- 3 Cost of labor (do not include salary paid to yourself). 3 0.00
- 4 Materials and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0.00
- 5 Other costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0.00
- 6 Add lines 1 through 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0.00
- 7 Less: Inventory at end of year . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0.00
- 8 Cost of goods sold and/or operations (line 6 - line 7). 8 0.00
- ========================================================================
- 44
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- N. Schedule D - Capital Gains And Losses-Front Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Name(s) as shown on Form 1040] [Your SSN]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Report here the total sales of stocks, bonds, etc., reported
- for 1986 by your broker to you on Form(s) 1099-B or an
- equivalent substitute statement(s) . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART I Short-term Capital Gains & Losses-Assets Held Six Months or Less
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A B C D E F G
- Date Date Cost or
- Descrip. acquir. Sold Sales other
- of prop. MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY price basis LOSS GAIN
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2a Form 1099-B Transactions (Sales of Stocks, Bonds, etc.):
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- 2b Total (add column (d)) 0.00
- 2c Other Transactions:
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3 Short-term gain from sale-principal residence 3 0
- 4 Short-term gain from installment sales . . . . 4 0
- 5 Net short-term gain or (loss) from partnershps 5 0 0
- 6 Short-term cap. loss carryover from after 1969 6 0
- 7 Add 2a and 2c and lines 3 - 6 in col (f) & (g) 7 0.00 0.00
- 8 Net short-term gain or (loss), col (f) & (g) of line 7. . 8 0
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART II Long-term Capital Gains & Losses-Assets Held More Than Six Mnths
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A B C D E F G
- Date Date Gross Cost or
- Descrip. acquir. Sold sales other
- of prop. MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YY price basis LOSS GAIN
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9a Form 1099-B Transactions (Sales of Stocks, Bonds, etc.):
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- 9b Total (add column (d)) 0.00
- 45
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- 9c Other Transactions:
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 10 Long-term gain from sale-principal residence 10 0
- 11 Long-term gain from installment sales . . . .11 0
- 12 Net long-term gain or (loss) from partnershps 12 0 0
- 13 Capital gain distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 0
- 14 Enter gain from Form 4797, lines 6 or 8 . . . . . . . . 14 0
- 15 Long-term cap. loss carryover from after 1969 15 0
- 16 Add 9a & 9c & lines 10 - 15 in col (f) & (g) .16 0 0
- 17 Net long-term gain or (loss), col (f) & (g) of line 16 . 17 0
- ========================================================================
- 46
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- O. Schedule D - Capital Gains And Losses-Back Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART III Summary of Parts I and II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 18 Combine lines 8 & 17, & enter net gain or (loss) here . 18 0
- 19 If line 18 shows a gain, enter the smaller of
- line 17 or 18. Enter 0 if there is a loss. 19 0
- 20 Enter 60% of line 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 0
- 21 Subtract line 20 from 18. Enter on Form 1040, line 13 . 21 0
- 22 If line 18 shows a loss, enter one of the following amnts:
- a If line 8 is zero or a net gain, enter 50% of line 18;
- b If line 17 is zero or a net gain, enter line 18; or
- c If line 8 and line 17 are net losses, enter amount on
- line 8 added to 50% of the amount on line 17 . . . . . 22 NA
- 23 Enter here and as a loss on Form 1040, line 13,
- the smallest of:
- a The amount on line 22;
- b $3,000 ($1,500 if married & filing a sep. return); or
- c Taxable income, as adjusted . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART IV Computation of Post-1969 Capital Loss Carryovers from 1986 to
- 1987 (Complete if loss on line 22 is more than loss on line 23)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 24 Enter loss shown on line 8; if none, enter zero . . . . 24 NA
- 25 Enter gain shown on line 17. If line shows loss-zero . 25 NA
- 26 Subtract line 25 from line 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 NA
- 27 Enter smaller of line 23 or line 26 . . . . . . . . . . 27 NA
- 28 Subtract line 27 from line 26: SHORT-TERM LOSS CARRYOVER 28 NA
- 29 Subtract line 27 from line 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 NA
- 30 Enter loss from line 17; if none, enter zero . . . . . . 30 NA
- 31 Enter gain shown on line 8. If line shows a loss, zero 31 NA
- 32 Subtract line 31 from line 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 NA
- 33 Multiply amount on line 29 by 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 NA
- 34 Subtract line 33 from line 32: LONG-TERM LOSS CARRYOVER 34 NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART V Complete this Part Only If You Elect Out of the Installment
- Method and Report a Note or Other Obligation at Less Than
- Full Face Value
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Check here if you elect out of the installment method. ------> ____
- Enter the face amount of the note or other obligation -------> 0
- Enter the % of valuation of the note or other obligation ----> 0%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART VI Reconciliation of Forms 1099-B For Bartering Transactions
- 35 Form 1040 line 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 0
- 36 Schedule C (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 0
- 37 Schedule D (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 0
- 38 Schedule E (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 0
- 39 Schedule F (Form 1040) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 0
- 40 Other (identify) (if not taxable, indicate reason)
- ________________________________________________________ 40 0
- 41 Total (add lines 35 through 40) . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 0
- ========================================================================
- 47
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- P. Schedule E - Supplemental Income Schedule-Front Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Name(s) as shown on Form 1040] [Your SSN]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 In the space provided 2 For each property listed, did you or
- below, show the kind a member of your family use for personal
- and location of each purposes any of the properties for more
- rental property. than the greater of 14 days or 10% of the
- total days rented at fair rental value
- during the tax year? YES NO
- Property A ________________________________________ ___ ___
- Property B ________________________________________ ___ ___
- Property C ________________________________________ ___ ___
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A B C (A+B+C)
- 3 a Rents received . . . . . 0.00 0.00 0.00
- b Royalties received . . . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4 Advertising . . . . . . 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 5 Auto and travel . . . . 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 6 Cleaning and maint. . . 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 7 Commissions . . . . . . 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 8 Insurance . . . . . . . 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 9 Legal & other fees . . 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 10 Mortgage interest paid
- to financial institut . 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 11 Other interest . . . . 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 12 Repairs . . . . . . . . 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 13 Supplies . . . . . . . 13 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 14 Taxes (Do not include ----------
- Windfall Profit Tax ----------
- here. See Part III, ----------
- line 34) . . . . . . . 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 15 Utilities . . . . . . . 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 16 Wages and salaries . . 16 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 17 Other __________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- (list) __________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- _____________________________ 0.00 0.00 0.00 ----------
- 48
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 18 Total expenses other
- than depreciation and
- depletion. Add 4-17 . 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- 19 Depreciation expense,
- or depletion . . . . . 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- 20 Total. lines 18 & 19 . 20 0.00 0.00 0.00
- 21 Income or (loss) from
- rental or royalty pro-
- perties. Subtract line
- 20 from line 3a or 3b . 21 0.00 0.00 0.00
- 22 Add properties with profits on line 21, and write the
- total profits here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 0.00
- 23 Add properties with losses on line 21, and write the
- total (losses) here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 0.00
- 24 Combine amounts on lines 22 and 23, and write the net
- profit or (loss) here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25 Net farm rental profit or (loss) from Form 4835-line 35. 25 0.00
- 26 Total rental or royalty income or (loss). Combine
- amounts on lines 24 and 25, and write the total here . . 26 0.00
- ========================================================================
- 49
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- Q. Schedule E - Supplemental Income Schedule-Back Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Name(s) as shown on Form 1040] [Your SSN]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Partnerships and S Corporations
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (b)Enter (c)Chk if (d) Employ. (e) Net (f) Net
- (a) Name code foreign prt ID Num. Loss Income
- ___________________ ________ __________ __________ 0.00 0.00
- ___________________ ________ __________ __________ 0.00 0.00
- ___________________ ________ __________ __________ 0.00 0.00
- ___________________ ________ __________ __________ 0.00 0.00
- ___________________ ________ __________ __________ 0.00 0.00
- 27 Add amounts in columns (e) and (f) . . . . . .27 0.00 0.00
- 28 Combine amounts in columns (e) and (f), line 27. . . . . 28 0.00
- 29 Deduction for section 179 prop. (Form 1065, Sch. K-1). . 29 0.00
- 30 Total partnership and S corporation income or (loss).
- Combine amounts on lines 28 and 29. . . . . . . . . . . .30 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Estates and Trusts
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (d) Employ. (e) Net (f) Net
- (a) Name (b) (c) ID Num. Loss Income
- ___________________ ___________ 0.00 0.00
- ___________________ ___________ 0.00 0.00
- ___________________ ___________ 0.00 0.00
- ___________________ ___________ 0.00 0.00
- ___________________ ___________ 0.00 0.00
- 31 Add columns (e) and (f) . . . . . . . . . . .31 0.00 0.00
- 32 Total estate and trust income or (loss). . . .32 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 33 Windfall profit tax credit or refund received in 1986 . 33 0.00
- 34 Windfall profit tax withheld in 1986 . . . . . . . . . . 34 0.00
- 35 Combine amounts on lines 33 and 34 . . . . . . . . . . . 35 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 36 Total income or (loss). Lines 26, 30, 32, & 35. . . . . 36 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 37 Farmers & fishermen: Write your share of GROSS
- FARMING AND FISHING INC appl to Pts I and II .37 0.00
- 50
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART V OPTIONAL DEPRECIATION WORKSHEET.-You may use this worksheet to
- figure depreciation only on property placed in service before
- 1981. If you placed any property in service after 1980, you
- must use Form 4562 for all property.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
- Description Date Cost or Deprec Deprec Life or Deprec
- of prop acquired otr basis allowed method rate this yr
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------Property A-------------------------------
- __________ ________ 0.00 0.00 __________ 0.00 0.00
- __________ ________ 0.00 0.00 __________ 0.00 0.00
- Total (Property A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00
- -------------------------------Property B-------------------------------
- __________ ________ 0.00 0.00 __________ 0.00 0.00
- __________ ________ 0.00 0.00 __________ 0.00 0.00
- Total (Property B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00
- -------------------------------Property C-------------------------------
- __________ ________ 0.00 0.00 __________ 0.00 0.00
- __________ ________ 0.00 0.00 __________ 0.00 0.00
- Total (Property C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00
- ========================================================================
- 51
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- R. Schedule F - Farm Income And Expenses - Front Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Name of proprietor(s) [SSN]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Principal Product ______________________B Ag Activ Code ___________
- C Accounting Method: Cash--->___________ Accrual----->___________
- Emp ID num--->___________
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D If you made an election in a prior year to include commodity
- credit loan proceeds as income in that year, check here-->___________
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART I Farm Income - Cash Method - Complete Parts I and II
- (Accrual method taxpayers complete Parts II & III, & line 12 of Part I.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Sales of livestk & other items you bought for resale. . 1 0.00
- 2 Cost of livestk & other items you bought for resale . . 2 0.00
- 3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0.00
- 4 Sales of livestk, produce, grains, & other prod . . . . 4 0.00
- 5 a Total distrib recvd from coop . . .5a 0.00
- b Less: Nonincome items . . . . . .5b 0.00
- 6 Net distributions. Subtract line 5b from line 5a . . . 6 0.00
- 7 Agricultural program payments:
- a Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7a 0.00
- b Materials and services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7b 0.00
- 8 Commodity credit loans under election (or forfeited). . 8 0.00
- 9 Crop insurance proceeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0.00
- 10 Machine work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 0.00
- 11 Other income including Federal & State gas tax credit .11 0.00
- 12 Gross income. Add lines 3, 4, 6, & 7a - 11. If
- accrual method, enter Part III, line 52 . . . . . . . .12 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART II Farm Deductions - Cash and Accrual Method
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 13 Breeding fees . . . . . . .13 0.00 26 Machine hire 0.00
- 14 Chemicals . . . . . . . . .14 0.00 27 Pension &
- 15 Conservation expenses . . .15 0.00 profit-shring 0.00
- 16 Depreciation, & sec 179 28 Rent of farm 0.00
- expense deduction . . . . .16 0.00 29 Repairs 0.00
- 17 Employee benefit programs 30 Seeds, plants 0.00
- other than on line 27 . . .17 0.00 31 Storage 0.00
- 18 Feed purchased . . . . . .18 0.00 32 Supplies 0.00
- 19 Fertilizers and lime . . .19 0.00 33 Taxes 0.00
- 20 Freight, trucking . . . . .20 0.00 34 Utilities 0.00
- 21 Gasoline, fuel, oil . . . .21 0.00 35 Vet fees, med 0.00
- 22 Insurance . . . . . . . . .22 0.00 36 Other exp -
- 23 Interest: a ______________ 0.00
- a Mortgage . . . . . . . 23a 0.00 b ______________ 0.00
- b Other . . . . . . . . 23b 0.00 c ______________ 0.00
- 24 a Labor hired 24a 0.00 d ______________ 0.00
- b Jobs credit 24b 0.00 e ______________ 0.00
- 25 Net labor hired (24a-24b) .25 0.00 f ______________ 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 37 Total deductions from Part II. Lines 13 through 36h .37 0.00
- 52
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 38 Net farm profit or (loss)(sub. line 37 from line 12).
- If a profit, enter on Form 1040, line 19, & Sch SE,
- Part I, line 1. If a loss, you MUST go on to line 39 .38 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 39 If you have a loss, do you have amounts for which YES ___
- you are not at risk in this farm (see instructions)? NO ___
- ========================================================================
- 53
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- S. Schedule F - Farm Income And Expenses - Back Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PART III Farm Income - Accrual Method
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 40 Sales of livestock, produce, grains, & other prod . . .40 0.00
- 41a Total dist recvd from cooperatives .41a 0.00
- b Less: Nonincome items . . . . . . .41b 0.00
- 42 Net distributions. Subtract line 41b from 41a . . . .42 0.00
- 43 Agricultural program payments:
- a Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43a 0.00
- b Materials and services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43b 0.00
- 44 Commodity credit loans under election (or forfeited). .44 0.00
- 45 Machine work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 0.00
- 46 Other income including Federal & State gas tax credit .46 0.00
- 47 Total. Add amounts on lines 40 and 42 through 46 . . .47 0.00
- 48 Inventory of livestk, produce, grains,
- and other products at beg of year . .48 0.00
- 49 Cost of livestk, produce, grains, &
- other products purchased during year .49 0.00
- 50 Add lines 48 and 49 . . . . . . . . .50 0.00
- 51 Inventory of livestk, produce, grains,
- and other products at end of year . .51 0.00
- 52 Cost of livestk, produce, grains, & other prod sold 52 0.00
- 53 Gross income. Enter here and on Part I, line 12 . . .53 0.00
- ========================================================================
- 54
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- T. Schedule G - Income Averaging
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Name(s) as shown on Form 1040] Enter a 1 here -------> NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1983 1 Fill in the amount from your 1983 Form 1040
- (line 37) or Form 1040A (line 19), Form 1040EZ
- (line 7). If less than zero, enter zero . . . . 1 0.00
- 1984 2 Fill in the amount from your 1984 Form 1040
- (line 37) or Form 1040A (line 19), or Form 1040EZ
- (line 7). If less than zero, enter zero . . . . 2 0.00
- 1985 3 Fill in the amount from your 1985 Form 1040
- (line 37) or Form 1040A (line 19), or Form 1040EZ
- (line 7). If less than zero, enter zero . . . . 3 0.00
- Total 4 Enter all income less deductions earned outside
- of the U.S. or within U.S. possessions & excluded
- for 1983 thru 1985 (include housing exclusion) . 4 0.00
- 5 Add lines 1 through 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6 Divide the amount on the line 5 by three (3) . . 6 0.00
- 7 Multiply the amount on line 6 by 140% (1.4) . . 7 0.00
- 8 Enter your taxable income for 1986 from Form
- 1040, line 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ERR
- 9 If you received a premature or excessive distri-
- butiion subject to a penalty under section 72,
- see instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0.00
- 10 Subtract line 9 from line 8 . . . . . . . . . .10 ERR
- 11 If you live in a community property state and
- are filing a separate return, see instructions .11 0.00
- 12 Subtract line 11 from line 10. If less than
- zero, enter zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 ERR
- 13 Enter the amount from line 7 above . . . . . . .13 0.00
- 14 Subtract line 13 from line 12. This is your
- averageable income. If this line is $3,000 or
- less, do not complete the rest of this form . .14 ERR
- 55
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 15 Multiply the amount on line 14 by 25% (.25) . .15 ERR
- 16 Enter the amount from line 7 above . . . . . . .16 0.00
- 17 Add lines 15 and 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 ERR
- 18 Enter the amount from line 11 above . . . . . .18 0.00
- 19 Add lines 17 and 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 ERR
- 20 Tax on amount on line 19 (from Tax Rate Schedule
- X, Y, or Z) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 ERR
- 21 Tax on amount on line 17 (from Tax
- Rate Schedule X, Y, or Z) . . . . 21 ERR
- 22 Tax on amount on line 16 (from Tax
- Rate Schedule X, Y, or Z) . . . . 22 0.00
- 23 Subtract line 22 from line 21 . . 23 ERR
- 24 Multiply the amount on line 23 by 3 . . . . . .24 ERR
- 25 Tax on amount on line 8 (from Tax
- Rate Schedule X, Y, or Z) . . . . 25 ERR
- 26 Tax on amount on line 10 (from Tax
- Rate Schedule X, Y, or Z) . . . . 26 ERR
- 27 Subtract line 26 from line 25 . . . . . . . . .27 ERR
- 28 Add lines 20, 24, 27. Write the result here
- and on Form 1040, line 38 if less than the tax
- figured using the tax rate schedules or table. .28 NA
- ========================================================================
- 56
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- U. Schedule R - Credit For Elderly & The Disabled-Front Sht
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part I Check the box that applies to your filing status and age
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Single 1 You were 65 or over . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 NA
- 2 You were under 65 and you retired on permanent
- and total disability . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Married 3 Both spouses were 65 or over . . . . . . . . 3 NA
- filing a 4 Both spouses were under 65, but only one
- joint spouse retired on permanent & tot disability. 4 NA
- return 5 Both spouses were under 65, and both retired
- on permanent and total disability . . . . . . 5 NA
- 6 One spouse was 65 or over, and the other
- spouse was under 65 and retired on permanent
- and total disability . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 NA
- 7 One spouse was 65 or over, and the other
- spouse was under 65 and NOT retired on
- permanent and total disability . . . . . . . 7 NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Married 8 You were 65 or over, and did not live with
- filing a your spouse at any time in 1986 . . . . . . . 8 NA
- separate 9 You were under 65, you retired on permanent
- return and total disability and did not live with
- your spouse at any time in 1986 . . . . . . . 9 NA
- Note: If you checked the box on line 1, 3, 7, or 8, skip Part II and
- complete Part III. If you checked the box on line 2, 4, 5, 6,
- or 9, complete Parts II and III.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part II Statement of permanent and total disability (Complete ONLY if
- you checked the box on line 2, 4, 5, 6, or 9 above)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IF: 1 You filed a physician's statement for this disability for 1983
- or an earlier year, or you filed a statement for tax years after
- 1983 and your physician checked Box B on the statement, AND
- 2 Due to your continued disabled condition you were unable to
- engage in any substantial gainful activity in 1986, check
- this box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ___
- If you checked this box, you do not have to file another statement for
- 1986. If you did not check this box, have your physician complete the
- following statement:
- 57
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Physician's Statement
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I certify that __________________________________________________
- Name of disabled person
- was permanently and totally disabled on January 1, 1976, or
- January 1, 1977, OR was permanently and totally disabled on the date he
- or she retired. Date retired if retired after Dec 31, 1976. ___________
- Physician: Check Box A or B below and sign. Check only one box.
- A. ___ The disability has lasted,
- or can be expected to last
- continuously for at least
- a year . . . . . . . . __________________________
- Physician's signature & date
- B. ___ There is no reasonable
- probability that the
- disabled condition will
- ever improve . . . . . __________________________
- Physician's signature & date
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Physician's name Physician's address
- ========================================================================
- 58
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- V. Schedule R - Credit For Elderly & The Disabled-Back Sheet
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 10 Write: $5,000 if you checked the box on line 1, 2, 4,
- or 7 in Part I, OR
- $7,500 if you checked the box on line 3, 5, or
- 6 in Part I, OR
- $3,750 if you checked the box on line 8 or 9
- in Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 ERR
- Caution: If you checked the box on line 2, 4, 5, 6, or 9 in Part I,
- you MUST complete line 11 below. Otherwise, skip line 11 and
- enter the amount from line 10 on line 12.
- 11 Enter on this line your taxable disability income (and
- also your spouse's if you checked the box on line 5 in
- Part I) that you reported on Form 1040. However, if you
- checked the box on line 6 in Part I, enter on this line
- the taxable disability income of the spouse who was
- under age 65 PLUS $5,000. (For more details on what to
- include, see the instructions.) . . . . . . . . . . . .11 0.00
- 12 If you completed line 11 above, compare the amounts on
- lines 10 and 11, and write the smaller of the two
- amounts on this line. Otherwise, write the amount from
- line 10 on this line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 ERR
- 13 Enter the following pensions, annuities, or disability
- income that you (and your spouse if you file a joint
- return) received in 1986:
- a Nontaxable part of soc sec ben . 13a 0.00
- b Nontaxable part of railroad retire-
- ment benefits treated as social
- security; and Nontaxable veterans'
- pensions; and any other pension,
- annuity, or disability benefit
- that is excluded from income under
- any other provision of law. . . . 13b 0.00
- c Add lines 13a and 13b. If you did
- not receive any of the types of
- nontaxable income listed on line
- 13a or 13b, enter 0 on line 13c . 13c 0.00
- 14 Write amount from Form 1040,
- line 33 . . . . . . . . . .14 0.00
- 15 Enter: $7,500 if you checked
- the box on line 1 or 2 in
- Part I, OR $10,000 if you
- checked the box on line 3,
- 4, 5, 6, or 7 in Part I,
- OR $5,000 if you checked
- the box on line 8 or 9 in
- Part I . . . . . . . . . .15 ERR
- 16 Subtract line 15 from line
- 14. Write the result. If
- line 15 is more than line
- 14, write 0 . . . . . . . .16 ERR
- 17 Divide line 16 by 2. . . . . . . . . .17 ERR
- 18 Add lines 13c and 17. Enter the total . . . . . . . .18 ERR
- 59
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- 19 Subtract line 18 from line 12. Enter the result. If
- the result is zero or less, stop here; you cannot take
- the credit. Otherwise, go on to line 21 below . . . .19 ERR
- 20 Percentage used to figure the credit . . . . . . . . .20 x .15
- 21 Multiply the amount on line 19 by the percentage (.15)
- on line 20 and write the result. This is your credit
- for the elderly and the permanently and totally
- disabled. Also write this amt on Form 1040, line 42 .21 ERR
- ========================================================================
- 60
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- W. Schedule SE - Computation Of Social Sec. Self-Employ. Tax
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Name of self-employed person [SSN]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part I Regular Computation of Net Earning From Self-Employment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 Net farm profit or (loss) from Schedule F, line 38 . . 1 0.00
- 2 Net profit or (loss) from Schedule C, line 32 . . . . . 2 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part II Optional Computation of Net Earnings From Self-Employment
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Generally, this part may be used only if:
- A Your gross farm income (Schedule F, line 12) was not
- more than $2,400; or
- B Your gross farm income (Schedule F, line 12) was more
- than $2,400 and your net farm profits (Schedule F, line 38)
- were less than $1,600; or
- C Your net nonfarm profits (Schedule C, line 32) were
- less than $1,600 and also less than 2/3 of your
- gross nonfarm income (Schedule C, line 5).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3 Maximum income for optional methods . . . . . . . . . . 3 1,600.00
- 4 Farm Optional Method-If you meet test A or B above,
- enter: the smaller of 2/3 of gross farm income from
- Schedule F, line 12, or $1,600 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 NA
- 5 Subtract line 4 from line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 NA
- 6 Nonfarm Optional Method-If you meet test C above, enter:
- the smallest of 2/3 of gross nonfarm income from
- Schedule C, line 5, or $1,600, or line 5 above . . . . 6 NA
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Part III Computation of Social Security Self-Employment Tax
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7 Amount from Part I, line 1, or Part II, line 4 . . . . 7 0.00
- 8 Amount from Part I, line 2, or Part II, line 6 . . . . 8 0.00
- 9 Add lines 7 and 8. If less than $400, omit remainder . 9 0.00
- 10 The largest amount of combined wages & self-employment
- earnings subject to social security for 1986 is . . . .10 42,000.00
- 11a Tot social security wages/tips from W-2 0.00
- b Unreported tips subject to soc sec tax 0.00
- c Add lines 11a and 11b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11c 0.00
- 12a Subtract line llc from line 10 . . . . . . . . . . . 12a 42,000.00
- b Enter your "qualified" U.S. Gov wages 0.00
- c Enter your Form W-2 wages from a church 0.00
- 13 Enter the smaller of line 9 or line 12a . . . . . . . 13 0.00
- 14 If line 13=$42,000, enter $5,166-Else line 13 X .123 14 NA
- ========================================================================
- 61
- FITT86 User's Manual Copyright (C) 1984, 1985, 1986 Ronald A. Ruel
- X. Schedule W - Deduct. For A Married Couple When Both Work
- ========================================================================
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Name(s) as shown on Form 1040]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- . (a) You (b) Your spouse
- 1 Wages, salaries, tips, etc. . . . . . . . 1 0.00 0.00
- 2 Net profit or (loss) from self- .
- employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0.00 0.00
- 3 Add lines 1 and 2: Total earned income. . 3 0.00 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4 Adjustments from 1040 lines 25, 26, 27,
- and any repayment of sub-pay included on .
- line 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0.00 0.00
- 5 Subtract line 4 from line 3 . . . . . . . 5 0.00 0.00
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6 Smaller of columns 5(a) and 5(b), but not
- more than $30,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0.00
- 7 Percentage used to figure the deduction (10%) . . . . . 7 0.10
- 8 Multiply line 6 by line 7. This is your deduction. . . 8 0.00
- ========================================================================
- 62